Chapter 92

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The drive home was one I haven't experienced before. Unlike on the way to find her and my car, I was driving at a slow pace. Sometimes I would notice that I wasn't driving the speed limit either. I didn't even have the music playing in the car. When I was on the way to get her, I didn't have time to focus on that. On the way back, I turned the music down on purpose. I didn't want to hear anything. I just wanted to get home and sleep.

Yes, I was and still am tired. How many did she give me this morning? That's what I thought about when I first got back into James car. While I sat there at first gathering my thoughts, which wasn't many, I saw Ziva pass where I parked in my car. I waited a minute and decided it was my time to go too.

Driving home was weird. I was noticing buildings that I never really looked at before. I was examining the structure, the paint, and the height of them. I never have done that before. I would also scan the people walking in and out of them. I would wonder what life holds for them. Each person is different for they take a different way home and have different things waited for them at home. If they were lucky that is.

When I pulled into the driveway, I saw through the window that Ziva was still waiting in my car. It's nice to know that she delivered it safe and sound. If I'm being quite honest, I forgot that she was driving my car after she passed me in the parking lot. My mind was everywhere that I wasn't really thinking about it.

I got out of the car, she was already out of mine. She approached me fast before I was able to reach the front of the house.

"I know that I have to tell your father about what I did."

I rapidly turned my body to her before unlocking the door. "You don't have to tell James anything."

She jumped back because she didn't expect my voice to be harsh. "I just feel like I should."

I roll my eyes along with my neck. "Ziva. You know how parents are, right?" The blank stare that she gave me was an answer all in itself. "When they hear that someone did something to their child that they don't like, they don't forget it. They're like elephants when it comes to their children."

She thought about it for a second and I thought she finally got it. "Melissa, your father is nothing like an elephant. He looks fit to me."

I lost her or she lost me. All I knew was that she didn't have to say anything to him. "Just don't bring it up."

We walked passed James and headed straight down stairs. He asked us how work was, and we simultaneously said, "Fine."

We both changed in our corners of the room to get comfortable. As I was changing, I thought about how Gibbs didn't tell me if we were going to see him tomorrow or not. I doubt it. Juice is still in hiding and one of his agents drugged me. I don't think we're going to be going back for a while.

I could feel Ziva watching me as I was adjusting the bed and the comforter.

"Are you going to bed?"

I didn't think we were going to have to go over this again.

"Yes." My response wasn't harsh. I could tell by her soft tone and shy voice that she was nervous to ask.


I finally make the comforter and the cover nice and neat for me to just mess them up in my sleep.

"You can watch TV, make yourself something, use my laptop, whatever you want. We all know you will anyway."

I don't look to see her reaction after I say that. I know it was harsh but I deserved to get a good one in before I fall asleep and forgive her when I wake up.

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