Chapter 110

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"Are you guys sure about this? I mean it's a good idea I love it, but what are you going to say when people ask who you're supposed to be and he's the main character to go with yours? They'll assume you guys are actually together

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"Are you guys sure about this? I mean it's a good idea I love it, but what are you going to say when people ask who you're supposed to be and he's the main character to go with yours? They'll assume you guys are actually together. I really like the idea I'm just nervous and, and- I can't get this over my head!"

Abby has been rambling on ever since I got to her place to get ready for the party tonight.

I told her my idea before I got dressed because I wanted to know what she would think. I didn't think I would get lecture out of it. In her defense I should have known better.

We're getting changed on opposite sides of the screen that she owns. It's pretty cool and goes with the theme of my costume.

"Do you want help?"

"No!" She quickly shouts back. "I want this to be a surprise. Though, your costume and his costume are more of a surprise than mine can be."

"Not really because you're the only one I've told about it."

I hate to admit it, but she brought up a good point. We've never said whether we are going to say we planned this, or it happened by chance.

I stop fussing around with my girdle to pick up my phone to text Tim. While I'm asking him whether he would like to act like this was by chance, I remember why we're doing this in the first place. We're taking baby steps to let people know that we're together and we don't care about a rule.

Except, we do. They just can't know that.

I delete the message I was typing and type a new one.

Telling people that I didn't know what to be for Halloween and you offered to be something with me, so I didn't feel dumb?

It's not the truth. What it is, is a step closer to showing people who we are.

It shows that we talk and that we care about each other to make sure the other doesn't feel insecure in anyway.

I'm smiling at my idea. I smile harder when I get a response from him.

I love it baby. And you.

I reply back.

Love you too. See you tonight, Rick.

I manage to put the girdle on by myself and the rest of the outfit. I bet you couldn't guess where I got it.

No, really. For once I didn't get something from Shop of Thrift. I went to Macy's. I didn't have a choice but to go to a store that had what I needed to make this outfit complete.

I went there to get Ilsa's famous white blazer and matching skirt. I could risk getting a white skirt anywhere else and having the two not match.

I even got a hat to match Ilsa's in the movie. It's not the same, but it's close enough.

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