Chapter Fourteen

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I have been spinning around in Abby's chair for 40 minutes. She went down to go talk to Gibbs when I came in and I've been here ever since.

It's hard for me to do anything when no one gives me anything to do. I'm not going to snoop around. With my luck, if I did I would break something. I did think about playing around with the computer to familiarize myself with it. I decided not to risk it.

I remember that there is a coffee stand outside and I didn't have any this morning.

I sneak pass everyone down stairs and make it outside. I ask the lady for a medium coffee black. She hands me one immediately, like she knew my order. The coffee here is ten times stronger than the kind I have at home.

My coffee time is interrupted by my phone.


"Peters, where are you?"

"Oh, hey Tony."

"Where are you?"

"Getting coffee. You want?"

"I have. Come to the squad room someone is here to see you."

He hangs up before I can ask anything. The only thing I can think is, please do not let it be my dad. I run to the door without spilling a drop of coffee. I can't afford to wait for the elevator, so I take the stairs. I feel regret at the third flight. I finally make it to the squad room and I see David.

He's in a wheel chair. It catches me off guard and I stop.

"Don't worry it's only temporary." He smiles at me and wheels over.

I can breathe again. "David, thank god. How are you feeling?"  I don't give him anytime to answer. "I thought your shoulders were badly hurt not your legs?"

"First, I would like to say thank you for thinking I'm made of steel, but even a car can take me down." I can't believe he is laughing, but I'm glad. "With my shoulders it was a rotator cuff. The wheels of the car took a real hit on my legs."

"You might as well be made of steel. All you needed was a day and you're out and about."

"I had to beg the doctors to let me out as soon as they could, even if it was for a second to talk to you."

McGee comes up behind him and is glaring at him.

"I want to thank you for everything. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be alive right now. So, thank you."

"Well, it wasn't all me." I motion McGee over to me. He comes over and doesn't stand too close. "I only had the guts to talk him down because Tim had my back." It's cheesy I know, but it's true.

"Well, Tim thank you too."

Tim goes over and shakes his hand. "Anytime, David. I hope you heal fast."

McGee walks to his desk leaving David and I alone. I decide to walk him to the elevator.

"Have you talked to Dominic since, you know, the other night?"

"No. I don't plan to until court."

"I'm sorry" We get to the elevator and I feel like everyone is watching us. I look pass David to see Tony and McGee are the ones who are looking at us.

"Don't be," He gets on the elevator and I hold the door. "I'm doing it for Natalie. It's all my-"

"Don't you dare say it." He stops talking and looks right in my eyes. "You did not give him the gun. You did not give him the knife.  And you most certainly did not tell him to hit you with his car."

"You always know what to say don't you?" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper.

"Anytime you want to talk or motivate me, here's my email."

"Your email? That is so old school." Alright, it's not too old school. People exchange emails all the time. Just not the people that are in their twenties with cell phones.

"Yeah, it could have been a number if my phone wasn't crushed from the accident."

"No, I like this it's different."

"I'll see you Peters."

The elevator door closes, and he's gone. I have his email that I will probably never send anything to. I put it in the back of my iPod case. Who knows, maybe he will need some motivation or a friend.

I walk over to everyone and the boys grab their gear.

"You guys have a body?"

"Yup and Ziva has yours." Gibbs says before sipping his coffee.


"Ziva is taking you to the gym. She's going to teach you all her tricks." Tony starts doing what I don't think qualify as ninja moves but he's trying. "You and I will talk later Peters."

"About what Tony?" He walks away as if I didn't say it loud enough.

"Have fun you two!" Did Gibbs just say have fun?

Why is Ziva teaching me how to fight when I'm not an agent. Why are they putting me through all this?

"Peters, you ready?" Ziva has her hair in a pony tail and a huge gym bag full of who knows what.

"Don't have a choice, do I?"

She shakes her head and we head for the gym. The perfect time to ask Ziva the questions I want answers to.

What Really Happens: NCISWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu