Chapter 46

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"That's horrible! That horrible, sad, angry; you know, it doesn't help that I don't know how to feel because he just lost his dad."

I hold ice on my elbow and go over to Abby's table. "I thought the same thing. Then, on the way here I realized that situation gives you a pass on missing school, homework, and sneaking out. Not a pass to take someone else's life." On one hand, I don't want to think he was going to do much harm. On the other, he chased me with a loader.

"Guessing there are no finger prints on the ropes?"

"Nope. You would have to wear gloves to operate this type of rope without getting nasty rope burn."

I can't focus on this case when Tim and I are finally together. By that I mean we are finally spending time together and getting to know each other. Usually, I would be so mad at myself for it, but I can't help it. Thinking of him makes me feel okay.

"Have you heard from Jimmy and Ducky?"

"No, not yet. Let's call them."

Abby uses her laptop to video chat with them. They are able to be at NCIS because their area is filled with backup generators and more tools that they need to keep a dead body intact.

"Hello, Abby! Peters! We were just about to ring you!"

"Hey guys!" I stand behind Abby because of my elbow. I don't want to knock over anything or ruin anything that we need.

"Jimmy, how are you feeling after last night?"

Jimmy stumbles on to the screen. "What?"

We chuckle and remember they have something for us.

"Ladies. Jason was not fully killed by the rope. The rope just finished the job." He picks up the device he is on and brings us to Jason. Luckily, we just have to see his neck. "There's this cut on his throat. A rope could never do that and the cut itself is not deep enough to have killed him on its own. "

"Game changer."

I walk away from the conversation to call Tony. I want to know if they are done asking the teachers about Jason at Toby's high school.

"Hey Peters. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine Tony. It's just a little bruised." I walk outside Abby's place and feel the cold air on my face. Somehow the wind reminds me of Tim and I wish he was here. "Did you guys go to the school yet?"

"Yes, we talked to the entire staff and no one had a bad word to say about him. Maybe Toby just got a bad grade or in trouble and brought them up because he was just feeling revengeful."

"Like with the loader."

"Exactly like the loader. Also, Jill went into his room and grabbed him while I smashed the controller." Gibbs had an officer drive me to Abby's after he gave me an ice pack and saw that I was able to bend my arm back and forth.

"When will you guys be back?"

I walk to the end of the road when a car pulls up. It's my lovely agents.

They pile out of the car. "Where's Gibbs?"

"He said had to stop home for something. How is the arm?" Tim comes over and looks at it.

"You guys I am fine, really. Like I said it is only bruised." My phone starts to go off and I read who it is from.

"Gibbs, I am fine it is just bruised!"

"What are you talking about?"

Way to put your foot in your mouth Melissa.

"Never mind. Why did you call?"

He pauses. "How's your arm?"

I slowly sigh. I walked right into that one.

"We didn't get much information today, but I want to go back there. Specifically, I want you to go back there. Not alone, of course, whoever you would like to bring along would be fine. It's just I need two agents to hang back. You'll head over there tomorrow. Now get some rest."

He hangs up the phone before I can say goodbye.

I turn around to see Ziva and Tony making their way inside.

Tim is dragging his feet and notices I am off the phone.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, fine."

We start walking towards the door.


"Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

He smiles and looks at the ground. He hasn't done that in a while.

"No. What did you have in my mind?"

"Come to Boring with me."

His smile disappears. I know he was hoping something along the lines of being romantic, but our jobs come first. We've only discussed that every time we are with each other. Besides, being in a different town with him for a day could turn out to be romantic if we get the job done.

"Go back to Boring?"

"Gibbs wants me to go back and I get to pick an agent to accompany me."

"Accompany you?" He smirks. "Well, it would be my honor."

His face gets closer to mine and I open the door before he can get any closer. We can't do this type of thing here. It would be different if it were only Abby waiting for us. Yet, our two other friends aren't far from us. It's not that we don't trust them. It's just that the more comfortable we get around people, the bigger chance we have at getting caught.

"Ducky and Jimmy got some information. It's going to help us for tomorrow."

I walk inside in hope for that tomorrow I can kiss his lips with no one to broadcast it to.

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