Chapter 97

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When I come to, there's a medic hanging over me, waving a flash light in my eyes. The light is stinging my eyes as it would anyone else who just had them closed for God knows how long. All I can feel is that I'm lying on something that's cushioned. I smell croissants and scones in the air. I know we're still near the coffee shop, I'm just not in it anymore.

I lift myself up and notice I can move my other arm again. I can feel it too.

When I stare ahead of me, I notice I'm in an ambulance hooked up to a machine. It's recording my heart rate and breathing. That's all I can see, I got up to fast, everything is a little blurry.

The medic stops me and does a few more things to my eyes and feels around my head. I flinch when he gets to the back of it.

"Well, Miss. Peters. Besides the bump on your head, you are physically fine. Sadly, I have to tell you that you suffer a minor concussion."

Nothing feels minor about it.

"What about my arm?" He looks at me like no one brought this to his attention. "When I got tackled to the ground I couldn't move or feel it."

He starts to put some of the equipment away. He starts to take all the straps off me as well. "Your body was in shock. You hit a nerve in the back to cause your arm to go into shock. Your friend held you until we got here. Not the greatest thing but good because if he rested you on anything, he could have hit something else to cause more damage. You should thank him."

"A minor concussion you say?" Ducky comes from out of nowhere and wraps me in a hug.

"Ducky. What are you doing here?" I start to look around for everyone. I see them near Gibbs car. They're all staring at me, but not saying or doing anything.

"My family is in danger Miss. Peters. I don't only show up when a dead body appears. I must say I'm glad there isn't one."

That reminds me. "Adam. Where is he?"

"They are taking him to the hospital. The bullet didn't hit anything important and didn't go deep into his foot. He will need crutches for support but will be fine in no time."

A weight is lifted off my shoulders. I thought the worse the moment I heard Adam scream that they got his foot.

He was so scared. I can still see his face when he got shot. I can hear each pitch of his screams. He didn't want to cry but you can't help it when you get shot in the foot. I remember his baby face and think he's too young to be involved in any of this.


I see a face that I really didn't think would be here. "Jimmy." I wrap my arms around him and look in direction of the agents. They aren't looking at me anymore. They're talking to each other. No one looks happy.

I'm not happy. I'm relieved that Jimmy and Ducky are here and not leaving me alone with a stranger.

"How are the others doing?"

Jimmy's shoulders fall. "They were worried about you. They still are since they don't know you have a concussion yet."

Was Jimmy standing there the whole time and I didn't notice? Minor concussion, okay.

I look over at the tables of the coffee shop. The table we were sitting at is the only one still standing. I think it's because Sean was holding it down with his weight to use it as a shield.


I almost jump off the gurney, but Ducky steps in front of me. "He's with Adam. He talked to Tim before he left with officers that will be by their side until they're back in our protection."

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