Chapter 47

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Waiting for Tim to pick me up feels like a life time. I just want to be with him even if we are just working.

James and I almost got into a fight last night. When I got in my pajamas, I had short sleeves on and he saw my bruises. He started making snippy comments about what I am doing and thought I was lying to cover something up. He was making all this up in his head.

Tim kept calling me and I didn't want to answer because of the mood James put me in. I texted him after the third call and told him I didn't want to talk. That I was too tired. Which I was, tired of James' shit. I left that part out though and told him I would see him in the morning.

A car pulls up and I lift myself from the stoop and get in the car. We both lean in for a kiss and I buckle my seat belt.

"Why were you waiting outside? It's freezing out there!"

Because I don't want to hear more of James' opinion.

"Just felt like it."

He brushes the hair out of my face. "I don't want my girl to get sick."

I smile as I see him handing me something. "You got me coffee! You're my favorite person!"

"I would hope so because you're mine."

I give him one last kiss before he starts driving.

The car ride is filled with laughs and full of flirting. There were moments when all I could do was stare at him while he drives. There were also times I just wanted to grab his hand and hold it. I was able to stop myself by thinking if I do, we will get into an accident.

We arrive at Boring and pass Toby's and Jill's house. He parks at a shopping center and when I turn, I can see the high school.

"Why are you parking here?"

"Because we're going to talk to the owners and customers again. Then, we will probably make our way back to their house."

Before we get out of the car, he holds me back and just stares at me. His eyes make me freeze and I don't notice anything else.

"This is weird."


"I'm going to be working with you all day and I'm not going to be able to kiss you."

I swallow and pull myself back. "Like you said we will be working."

I get out of the car and he follows. I stop when I remember the high school is right behind us.

"What if we did things differently? I go to the school and ask around again, while you ask around here and then we go to their house together?"

"What? No, that's too dangerous. I don't want you there alone."

"Really Tim? I will be in a school, where when something happens it's brought to everyone's attention immediately. I should be more worried about you here with the customers and owners. What if they chase you out with a gun or something?"

"Melissa you're forgetting," He comes to me and whispers in my ear. "I'm packing too."

I let out a deep breath and start to head for the school until he stops me again.

"Besides, you're not carrying anything to protect you."

I pause and search through my jacket. "I don't have a gun, but I do have this."

I hold a pocket knife in my hand that James gave me when I was probably too young to have one. But he gave it to me for good reason. I carried it with me everywhere just in case. It became a habit to always have it with me. I guess I just never stopped.

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