Chapter Twenty-Two

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McGee parks in a parking lot in front of a block of restaurants. It's Friday night and everybody is out. I'm not sure if Abby's plan to go somewhere more secluded worked but we'll see. I don't mind for my sake I just hope Gibbs shows up. My personality might change with McGee if he comes but I want everybody to be here tonight.

When we park I rush to get out of the car before McGee could open the door for me. I can't afford to freeze up again and have him think I'm crazier than he thought. We didn't say much on the car ride here. It's about ten minutes away from my house I'm surprised I have never seen this place before.

When we get to the bar McGee opens the door for me again. We laugh at the fact he is not only the first but also the second guy to do that for me. I look around and it's not too crowded in here. It has just enough people to keep the pace steady. The lights are dim, and the walls are built with bricks. There's a bar, tables, and huge booths in the back.

"Hey, over here!" Of course, Abby is here already. I see Tony and Ziva sitting in the booth with her.

We head over, and Abby and I hug each other as usual.

"Peters you look so good! I love it!"

Abby is wearing a short red dress with combat boots; an outfit I would gladly wear. Ziva and I say our hellos and she compliments my shoes. Ziva is dressed the way she dresses when she goes to work. Perks of working at NCIS is wearing whatever makes you feel comfortable. Tony wears the same and greets me with a hug like Abby.

Tony sits me down next to him while McGee and Abby stand. I hope McGee comes in the booth before Abby does. It's not mean it's just a feeling. A feeling that I have been questioning ever since I met him. Tonight, I'm not going to fight it. I am going to let myself feel these feelings and get to know my coworkers, no, my friends. I want my alone time with Abby so we can talk too. I'm just feeling selfish tonight and want to talk to everyone. Good thing time is the only thing we have.

Abby and McGee are talking softly; I can't make out what they're saying.

"Peters, you look good tonight. We should go out more often." Tony says putting his arm around me and Ziva.

"You look good too Tony, but that doesn't surprise me."

He flips his imaginary long hair and we can't help but laugh.

"Melissa be careful, this one loves to be complimented and it will all go to his head."

Tony grabs a piece of Ziva's hair and twirls it around his finger. "Girl please." He lifts his beer to his lips and finishes it and slams it back on the table. "Hey McBoozer!"

He breaks McGee's and Abby's conversation. "Why don't you get me and lovely Peters over here a drink?"

"Yes McGee," Abby slaps him on the arm. "And Peters go with him if you don't he will forget what you want."

We head to the bar and I sit on stool. I can't help it, when I see a high stool I want to sit on it. McGee does the same thing and I don't feel so foolish.

A young bar tender who looks like he's in his third year of college comes to us. "What will you have?"

"Two beers please."

I go in the little purse I have and take out my money.

"Hey, don't worry about it I got it."

"No, no, no, you are not paying for me. What are you having?"

"I'll probably have-" McGee leans on the bar and gives me a smirk. "Are you asking me what I'll have so you'll get it for me?"

I lick my lips and look down at my purse. "Maybe."

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