Chapter 71

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Being in the car with Gibbs was awkward at first. I didn't know how to act after dreaming about the trip I just had. Also, I screamed in his ear when he told me he was coming to get me. He didn't seem to mind, because he was being Gibbs when I got in the car. He was going to walk to the door, but I ran out before he could. He only said hello when we both got in the car. After that he said we are getting coffee. I agreed and just sat next to him. My body was so close together in the seat. My thighs were squeezed together while my shoulders were touching. Silence filled the car, he doesn't play music. I'm assuming he doesn't, because if he didn't have it on because he wanted to talk, he would do some talking.

When we got to this dinner, he asked for two black coffees to go. The woman behind the counter was surprised that the second coffee wasn't for him. When I moved my body a tiny bit to pay, I saw him give me the side eye. I backed up and didn't interrupt the conversation. They asked each other about their holiday. They also asked how they think their day was going to go. She said she has a feeling it isn't going to be too crazy since people are still recovering from the holidays. He said he will find out when he gets to work. They said their goodbyes and he handed me the coffee. I said thank you, and nothing was said after that.

We're pulling into the parking lot at work. He parks a few spots away from where I'm comfortable. I wonder how I'm going to get home. Because of my title, they have me leave at a certain time unless they need me. I go through the possibilities, then give up because I won't know until it happens.

He puts the car in park and I unbuckle my seat belt.

"Did you figure it out?"

My hand freezes on the door. That's the first thing he said during this car ride. Maybe I was the one to make it awkward? I didn't mean to but getting that phone call was like him coming into Abby's lab saying we have to talk.

My boss when I was a barista was a professional at that. Sometimes, the message wasn't from him, but his boss. Other times, it wouldn't be anything serious besides the new food and drinks we were getting. Every time he said those words, my heart managed to stop.

"Figure what out?" Now, I feel like I'm back in school and the teacher is asking me why I didn't do my homework.

"What I said to you on Christmas. Did you figure it out?

I make a face. I wish I knew what he was talking about, but I don't. If it was Christmas Day it couldn't be about work, could it? If this is how my morning is going, I can't wait to see what I have in store for today.

He answers the question I didn't ask. "Why you fit in here and are considered family?"

Holy crap, I forgot about that. Probably because when he said, think about it, I didn't think he meant it. I thought it was one of those things you say and then never bring up again. Guess I was wrong.

What doesn't help is that I can't think of anything right now. I still feel like the new girl. It's because I am the new girl. No one has come in after me. I don't mind the label, I like being the new girl. If someone came into my spot it would feel weird. Nothing would feel balanced.

"It's okay. You will figure it out." He gets out of the car, and I follow. I have to take more steps when I walk with him too because he's so tall.

"How was your New Years?"

My heart drops to my stomach. I thought if anyone was going to ask me, it would be Tony or Ziva, not my boss. "It was fine."

It was more than fine, it was the best time I had in a while. I used to have a great time with a best friend I used to have. That friendship was cut short. I'm thinking of all these things that my boss doesn't have to know right in front of him. "How was yours?" Maybe we can talk about his night for a while.

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