Chapter 106

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I'm trying to play it cool while I walk around NCIS looking for Tim

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I'm trying to play it cool while I walk around NCIS looking for Tim. It's more or less than a pace actually. Every time someone looks at me, I feel like they know what's going on.

Ziva and Tony aren't at their desks, so I can't ask them.

I don't know if Gibbs is big on days like today, so I hope I don't run into him. The best person I can ask is holding a gun and shooting it at whatever that is in her lab. I've never done that when I was assisting her.

She turns to face the glass that I'm standing behind and sees me.

"Have you seen Tim!" I yell.

I know she heard me because her smile is bigger than ever.

She puts the gun down and walks out of the room.

She looks down at the box I'm holding.

"Is that what you've been talking about?"

I shake my head. "Yes. I didn't want to wait. I want to give it to him now."

"Go to observation. I think it's just him in there right now. But go while you can!"

Before I can go, she pulls my arm which brings me back to her.

"Are we still going Halloween shopping this weekend? I promise you the good costumes always get sold in the month of September."

Abby has been talking about Halloween ever since the first day of September. I remember when I asked Tim what her favorite holiday was. He made me swear to him that I wouldn't bring up to her until she brings it up to me.

Apparently, it's all she talks about until it happens. He said that she even starts thinking about her costume for the next year the day after. I'll be the judge of that this year.

"I wouldn't miss it!"

I get out of her grasp.

"Bring Tim! I need as many opinions as I can get this year!"

I run out of the lab, but make sure that I don't run through the halls. I don't want anyone to ask what I'm doing or where I'm going. I feel like I'm constantly going to trip, but think that if I do that will delay this longer.

I slowly open the door in observation and see my man. He's focused on Tony waiting in interrogation for someone.

I close the door so he can't hear it. I start to tiptoe behind him.

I get more on my tippy toes so I can put the box in his face from behind.

"Happy birthday."

I coo in his ear, so I don't scare him.

He takes the box out of my hand and turns to face me.

"Baby, you didn't have to get me anything."

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