Chapter Thirty Three

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Tony and I go to the squad room to find that none of our friends are there. Tony leaves me to go to the bathroom and I feel like I should wait. I don't know what I'm walking into. I just know I don't want to do it alone.

I stand outside the bathroom leaning on the wall and see Tim out of the corner of my eye. He looks as nervous as I feel.

"What do you think Ducky wants to see everyone for?"

"I don't know. I know it's Ducky; yet I can't help but feel nervous."

He sighs. "I know." He looks at the ground but without a smile.

I lift up his head for him to look at me. I whisper just in case Tony can hear us. "Hey, stop worrying. You and I have been more than careful." He gives me a slight smile. "Well, I have been at least."

He cracks a smile and a giggle for me. Seeing him smile makes me feel better about this whole thing.

After nodding his head in agreement, he notices where I am standing. "Why are you standing outside the men's bathroom?"

"Waiting for Tony."

Then, the door opens, and Tony greets us both with a smile.

"Speak of the devil." Tim says that as if Tony is a threat to him, but Tony thinks it's Tim being Tim. When it is actually a little bit of both.

"Guys!" We see Abby run out of the elevator and toward us. Her arms are flying everywhere, and her boots are off.

"What is going on? Am I in trouble? Why is there a meeting when Gibbs isn't here? Did anyone tell him we were having a meeting? Did he arrange the meeting?"

"Abs!" Tim and Tony yell.

She stops rambling and can finally take a breath.

"We have no idea what Ducky wants."

Her eyes widen. "That doesn't make me feel anything better!"

I put my hands on her shoulders and breath along with her. Her shoulders fall, and I feel the rest of her body relax. "Abby let's freak out, if need be, after we find out what it is, okay?"

She shakes her head in agreement.

After a second of relaxation, we jump when our phones buzz at the same time. Abby and I turn to the boys for one of them to look at it.

"I'll do it."

"No, I got it." Look at Tim being brave.

He opens his phone and takes a breath of relief.

"Ducky says to give him a few minutes. He is having trouble setting something up and doesn't want any help."

"Good, we'll be here a while."

I slap Tony in the arm before he makes his way to his desk. Abby and I make our way to Ziva's desk to find there is no Ziva sitting at it.

"Tim where's Ziva?"

He shrugs. "Not sure. She has been a bit jumpy today."

"You've noticed that too?"

"Tony just start your movie." I have to find her, so she can relax about the kiss. It's bad enough that Tim and Tony notice she has been acting weird. If anyone else gets to her before I do the whole building might as well know.

"How'd you know I was going to start one?"

"Because I know you." Before I could stop the words falling off my lips I see Tim put his lips together and sit down. I didn't mean for it to sound the way it did.

"You caught me." Damn it.

When I can finally sit, I see Ziva coming around the corner. Before she could make her great escape I call her name for everyone to notice her. She scowls at me and then puts on a fake smile.

"Hello everyone. Does anyone know-"

"Nope." We say simultaneously.

She comes over to me with a concern look on her face.

"I told everyone it is probably nothing to worry about."

Her mouth drops and then turns into a smile.

"Melissa also said not to freak out until after if we have to."

"Yes, so we were talking as if we forgot the whole thing."

Seeing the smile on her face makes this hectic morning and afternoon worth it. I know it's not over yet. I just want to cherish my small victories while I can.

"Right. Abby you look nice. What's the occasion?"

"Oh yeah. How did the date go?"

Abby sighs. "One good thing came out of Ducky's alarming text. It was good at first but then it took a turn when he asked if his mother could tag along for dessert. Of course, I didn't deny the idea because I didn't know what to expect. Then, when she arrived she was counting his calories, his money, his heart rate, and the amount of times he looked at me with puppy dog eyes."

"What did he do?"

"That's the best part he says she always does this, for dessert. Dessert, as in every time. Which means everyday if he eats dessert every day."

We all cringe and she isn't surprised. What does surprise her and us is to see Jimmy join us.

"Hey, what's going on guys?"

Tony yells over his movie. "We're all waiting for Ducky's meeting."

I give Jimmy a confused look. "Shouldn't you be helping him?"

"I offered but he said he didn't want anyone tampering with evidence."

"Our evidence?" Abby and I ask. Simultaneous speaking is the groups thing today.

"Ducky would never do that. You know how he gets when someone touches or moves one of his bodies."

"True that."

Jimmy's phone rings and he doesn't hesitate to answer. "Yes, Dr. Mallard? Of course, right away."

We look at him as he puts his phone away. He looks at all of us with a smile and realizes we are waiting for answer.

"Oh, Dr. Mallard is ready for us."

Ziva, Jimmy, and Tony seem to be the only ones not worried about the meeting. It is probably because Abby, Tim, and I share the same secret. We all head there together with Tim and I being in the back. We look at each other and he grabs my hand for a second. He squeezes it assuring me everything will be alright. I hope it is.

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