Chapter 41

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We're driving in silence until I notice Tim is holding back his laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"I-I just noticed your outfit. You're wearing pink like Molly did in the movie. She also did that for Pretty in Pink."

The way he makes me laugh is something I never felt before. I feel real happiness when I smile at him. I feel it when I laugh like a little kid around him. He is filling voids I didn't know I needed to be filled or that could be filled.

While I'm looking out the window, Tim comes to a stop. I see Tony, Ziva, and Abby sitting in a bar laughing with each other. Then, Jimmy comes to their table with drinks and they all clap in excitement. It looks like they are going a little harder than Ziva lead on.

"Tim, look is everyone at that bar right there?"

"Uh, yeah it is." The smile from his face is gone and he looks nervous.

"Is that where we are going?"

"On-only if you're okay with that being only a tiny part of my plan for tonight." I don't know how to feel. Is he blowing off our date to hang out with everyone? "You're not okay with it are you?"

"No, I am. Abby told me you guys don't do this all time, even though it doesn't seem that way, I don't want to be the one to ruin it for everyone."

He takes a turn into the parking lot and parks the car. He shuts it off and grabs my hands.

"Melissa look at me." His green eyes are telling me he is nervous. "You don't think I can read you but I can. I know this family means a lot to you, more than you lead on. I thought it would be nice for you to see them because seeing you happy makes me happy."

"You make me happy, Tim." I rub my thumb on his cheek and lean in to kiss him. "Thank you for thinking of me."

"Don't say anything else. We have all night."

I laugh at his optimism. "Not all night, we have work in the morning."

"No, we don't. Didn't Abby tell you? There was an issue with the heat in the building. We are all working from home tomorrow."

I kiss him as if it is his doing. "By the way, we didn't go out this much until after you showed up." I take in a breath and gather my things. He gets out of the car to open the door for me. When we walk into the bar no one notices us at first. Tim suggests that we get them drinks before we go over for a surprise. We played rock, paper, scissors, to see who would pay. He ended up knocking my hand away and put his money down.

When we get to the table everyone is happy to see us. Of course, Abby gets up to hug me and she sounds and looks tipsy.

"Melissa! I am so glad you're here I didn't get to tell you, we are all working from home tomorrow! We can have a work date! It is going to be so much fun!"

Tony grabs Tim and tells him to chug the beer. Tim declines because he is driving. Tony calls him Mcparty pooper, which is a very long nickname, and chugs it himself. Ziva is laying her head on my shoulder, whispering in my ear telling me she feels like she can drink because everyone is okay now and there is no more awkwardness. Jimmy showing up tonight really showed her that. I look up and Tony is pointing at me and tells me I don't have to chug one, but I have to drink one.

Before I can think of it, I notice Jimmy is outside. I ask Abby why and she says it's because being around all these people makes him extra hot. Then, Tony made a joke that it is the reason he works with dead people, especially women. I head outside with another beer and hand it to him. He thanks me, and we clink our beers together and say cheers.

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