Chapter 89

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This isn't going to be so bad. Ziva is just going to stay with us for as long as she needs. We'll share a room like people do when they go away to college. We can carpool to and from work as if we're driving to school. We'll get coffee together no matter the time of day. I'll respect her privacy though we'll be 12 feet apart. We're going to be roommates. All I have to do now is tell James. Yay.

When Tony pulls up to my house, I tell them I need a minute and will come back to help with her things. She left a few things in Gibbs car after he picked her up when she arrived at her apartment. Clothes were the only thing she really cared about when she got out of there. It was a smart decision, of course Ziva made it.

I open the door and James rises to his feet and cane. "Are you insane?"

I haven't even told him the news and he's already upset. I've been gone for over 24 hours, what could I have possibly done?

He holds his pocket knife that I left on his night stand and raises it to his face. "I gave you this for a damn good reason. I didn't give it to you to just leave around wherever and whenever you please. You carry it with you always. Do you understand me?"

I'm not allowed to tell him what's been going on. Not even for his wellbeing from a gang that lives in our town. "Yes, sir." Even if I could tell him what was going on, I wouldn't. He would stress more and critique my job. He wouldn't let me hear the end of it if he had it his way.

I take the knife from him and he goes back into his chair. "Good."

I let him sit before I tell him the news. It's better he sits then fall on the floor because of shock.

"I have to tell you something." He can tell this is serious. He picks up the remote and turns of the TV.

"I have a friend who needs a place to stay." He tilts his head. "No, it's not Sean."

I can see the disappointment in his eyes.

"My friend from work, her apartment flooded. A lot of her belongings are destroyed. The place can't even put the water on for the other tenants because the pipes are badly banged up. That's why I offered that she stay here."

He doesn't say anything. He examines my face, my words, and my body language. I don't know what he's looking for but I hope he finds something good. I didn't ask him if she could because I'm not taking no for an answer. I don't care if they hear us yelling about it. She needs a place to stay and it's going to be this one.

"Alright. Would she like my bed room?"

I'm shocked in his response. I didn't expect that to be his answer. I thought he would wonder what her other options are. It's good he didn't ask because she doesn't have any other options. She has me.

"N-no, that's not necessary. She'll stay downstairs with me. I thought everything out already."

He shakes his head. "Alright. Good."

Not what I expected, but I'll take it.

I make my way for the door. Before I leave I remember to say something to him that I haven't in a long time.

"Thank you."

I see him start to turn his head to face me, but I rush out the door before he can say anything. I wish I did this earlier so I could comprehend what just happened by myself. I know Ziva won't push me to talk about anything, but I don't doubt that she could read people's minds. Would she read mine? I'd like to think that she would, but only in a situation where she was worried about me. She doesn't have to worry about me now, I just may be dizzy thinking about what just happened.

What Really Happens: NCISDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora