Chapter 96

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*Only took me 96 chapters to start getting into some real stuff you guys. I can't wait for you to read this and I promise you there is more stuff like this to come.  Like and comments and don't forget to enjoy.*

"Ziva, I-I think you can slow down!"

Another two weeks and 6 days have gone by without a call from Gibbs, until today.

Ziva and I were just sitting in front of the TV with James enjoying our second cup of coffee. We normally don't have the second cup right away, but today we both felt like we needed to. Good thing we did.

Before I could finish, my phone was ringing, and I jumped to my feet when I saw it was Gibbs. I was walking all over the living room, feeling their eyes on me.

"Uh huh. Okay. Yeah, definitely. Alright. Bye."

I hung up the phone and looked at Ziva.

"What? What is it?"

"Gibbs. He wants us at work today."

We took a second to think if this could be real. Then, we realized we can't waste another second because Gibbs could change is mind by then. We ran down stairs and changed in anything we could find.

It wasn't too cold in my house but when we got to the car it was pretty chilly. I have pants and a short-sleeved shirt on.

She was smart enough to grab a sweatshirt while running to the car.

We are currently in her car driving through stop signs and stop lights. It's a 45mph area and we're greeting 80-90. By we, I mean her. She hasn't said anything the moment her foot connected with the accelerator. I heard the tired skid against the road and held on for dear life.

She learned from last time that she shouldn't walk in there ready to work. She takes wide but slow steps. I still have to run to keep up with her.

We look at each other in the elevator and can't help but smile. We know we shouldn't get our hopes up, but my smile wont fade. Neither will hers. The elevator stops and we both check to make sure we look alright.

We walk towards the three friendly faces waiting for us. Our walking turns into running.

Ziva runs to Tim and hugs him while I run and hug Abby.

"What am I chopped liver?"

We release our friends and go to hug the one that needs our attention.

"You know we missed you Tony."

"Some more than others."

Tony chuckles. "It's that charm that I've missed oh so much."

While Ziva and Tony play fight, I turn to Tim and wrap my arms around him. The one time we're allowed to hug each other without worrying about what anyone else thinks.

"Wait. Does this mean that Ziva and I are here to work? Not because Fornell is back with a surprise visit?"

"Yes!" Ziva shouts as she runs to her desk with all her stuff on it ready for use.

I turn to Tim for confirmation and he shakes his head. I wrap my arms around him again.

"Hey, why does he get two?"

I turn to Tony and wrap my arms around both of them.

"Because Tim know when to start working DiNozzo."

Everyone who isn't at their desk paces to it. While Abby and I stand there waiting for Gibbs to talk.

He looks me in the eyes and then to Ziva.

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