Chapter Eight

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I'm sitting at Abby's desk watching the time go by. Abby is going through the evidence that was found today. She told me when she needs me she will let me know. Since the evidence isn't for training, she doesn't want me to mess anything up because she hasn't gone over everything with me.

"Do you have your phone?"

"Uh, no I don't. I left it at home. Didn't think I would need it today."

"First, always bring your phone and have it on. There are going to be days and nights when Gibbs is going to need to reach me and I'm going to need to reach you. Second, do you want to use mine to call anyone that needs to know you're still here?"

Call my dad who probably couldn't care if I'm here or in an alley dealing drugs? Yeah, I'll pass on that.

"No, thank you though."

"Melissa!" Abby pulls a bag out of the evidence box on her table. It's the memory card I found in the dirt. "You found this? Yeah! You found this, and you bagged it and tagged it! That's awesome!"

Abby starts checking the memory card for prints.
"Come here!"

I jump out of my seat and go over to her as fast as I can. When I get to her, she hands me the bag with the memory card and a camera.

"You found it, you examine it."

My smile couldn't be wider. I couldn't grab the bag and camera from her quicker than I did. I put the memory card in the camera and pulled up everything on it. What comes up on screen, surprises me.

"Oh my god, Abby."

Abby looks at the camera over my shoulder. She's speechless and I don't think that happens often.

"What you got for me Abs?" Abby and I both turn to see Gibbs coming towards us with hope we found something. Luckily, we did.

"Actually, it's not what I have it's what Melissa has."

They both stare at me waiting to share what I have found. "Well, on the memory card I found at the crime scene. It's our officer," I hesitate to share the next part. "partying with what looks like a bunch of guys." I hold the camera up to his face. Now he sees the officer in a bra and shorts smiling with four built men.

"Do we have an I.D. Abby?"

"Officer Natalie Rodriguez." Abby looks at Gibbs with a satisfying smile.

"See you tomorrow Peters!" He says as he leaves the lab.

"You did great today. Tomorrow will be here before you know it."

"Bye Abby. Thank you for everything today. Hopefully tomorrow you can show me whatever you are doing now." We smile at each other and I head for the door.

"Hey! What are you doing when you get home?!"

"Turning on my phone and leaving it on!"

"Good girl!"

I smile as I head for the stairs. I like taking them. I can see over everyone and see what I'm heading for. McGee makes eye contact with me as I take my first step. He gets out of his chair and speed walks to the end of them. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach.

He greets me when I reach the bottom. "Hey. Are you heading out already?" His smile is one that is going to be on my mind all night.

"Yeah," My voice cracks now that I am trying to play it cool. "Abby and Gibbs gave me the go ahead."

"Do you, do you need a ride?" Yes please.

"Thank you, but I have some stuff I have to pick up before I go home." It's true but I don't want him near my little house.

"It's no problem. I am almost done with everything I have to do here."

I want to take his offer I just can't right now. "How about tomorrow?" I can't then either but there goes my mouth moving faster than my brain. "That is if everything that has to be done gets done."

"It's a date." My face goes blank when he says that. The butterflies are flying as if they have found a passage way out. The only way out is my mouth and McGee has made me speechless.

"Not a date, no. It's not that. It's planned that's what it is."

"Okay." I try to hide my smile. We head towards the elevator. I didn't expect him to walk me there, but I like it.

"Peters, leaving us already? Oh, I see McCreep over there scared you off. Remember Melissa, Ziva and I are here to protect you." Tony loves his jokes more than himself.

"Melissa does not need protection from McGee, Tony. From you on the other hand, I would be happy to oblige." Ziva says getting up from her desk walking towards me and McGee.

"Thanks, Ziva." McGee and I say that at the same time and look at each other. Every time I look at him I can't look away.

"Oh no, he's rubbed off on her." Tony helps me look away and have my eyes on him. "Come on Melissa to the elevator before it gets worse!"

I laugh while being dragged to the elevator by Tony. Ziva and McGee follow behind. We get to the elevator and Tony pushes the button.

"Thank you for today." The elevator door opens, and I step on.

"Melissa you did great today." Ziva says as she looks me up and down for the last time today.

"Yeah Peters. Before you know it, you will have already replaced McGee."

"Hey!" That's the first time I saw McGee react to one of Tony's jokes. His eyes lock with mine again and I don't want this day to end.

I wave to them and let the door close in front of me, and I was right. I miss it already.

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