Chapter 95

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One month, two weeks, and three days since Ziva and I haven't been called to work. Minutes and seconds? Why would I bother to count those when we are already this deep in our own protection program?

The program that consists of James ordering us food from time to time. It's sweet. When he does, we all sit together and channel surf. He's only really stayed in the news channel area. He's been really sweet to Ziva which I completely appreciate. I don't question him when he shows me the same generosity. There are moments when I think that it won't last when she gets back home, but I tell myself to stop and just enjoy it when it lasts.

Ziva and I have caught up on The Office, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and we have watched this soap opera that we landed on one day and were invested in the moment one actor pulled out a gun trying to kill his own father.

We have been baking anything we can think of. We baked sugar cookies, brownies, and a cake one time. The cake was a little messy because we didn't have the right size pan. It still tasted great. We both started eating the icing out of the container when it was done.

We tend to wake up late because we get invested in the shows we are trying to catch up on. For breakfast we have coffee and that's usually it for all of us.

I get a call from Tim and Tony every day. Tony calls me in the morning and Tim calls me at night. Tony asks about Ziva a lot. One day he called me, and I answered all his questions before he could ask them. This conversation went a little differently.

"Thanks for the update Peters. I was actually wondering how you're doing?"

I was shocked. "Oh, I'm well Tony. Thanks. How about you?"

"We miss you guys here. It's just..." I thought the line disconnected at this point. "How are you really doing? I call you every day to make sure Ziva is fine because she won't like it if I ask her. I never ask how you're doing. I'm sorry."

I never did mind because I always had Tim asking me that same question every day.

"It's alright. It's not like I ask you every day how you guys are."

"But you do."

Alright. You can't say I didn't try.

"Oh yeah."

I went on to tell him that I'm holding it together. I like having a roommate and someone to talk to. Being an only child is nice but sometimes lonely. I told him I wish she was here under different circumstances.

He told me he knew I would look on the bright side of things. He told me he would talk to me the next day and we did. The day after that and the day after that.

Tim's conversations go a little differently. Actually, a lot differently.

Today's is going normal than usual.

"Baby. It's so good to hear your voice."

He calls me on the way home, whenever that is. He told me it was because it makes him feel like he has a part of me there with him.

"Was today dragging?"

"Most definitely. I just knew if you were there, I wouldn't have been standing there twiddling my thumbs. We'd be doing something else."

"Like what we did in the bathroom, the hallway, and observation?"

I realized after the first conversation we had, I should take them to the bathroom. Now even James can't hear my phone calls there when he's 20 feet away.

"Maybe a little more than that."

I laugh. "We would like to think huh."

Do I have to remind you how long it's been since we've seen each other?

"Where's Ziva right now?"

"She's down stairs. I think she's actually sleeping. We ate a lot today."

I already know what he's thinking. "There was a full meal in there somewhere just don't ask me where."

"That's my girl."

I closed my eyes to just feel like he was with me. Little did I know he wanted me to feel him with me.

"Where are you?"

"The bathroom. You know that."

"What are you wearing?"

"A tank top and sport shorts."

"What If I said you shouldn't be wearing those?"

That's when it clicked that he wanted to have phone sex. In that moment I couldn't believe I knew what he wanted to do because of the shows and movies I've watched.

"W-wearing what?" Oh, boy.

"The shorts. I think you should take them off."

I start to take them off but still keep them on my body.

"W-What are you wearing?"

I didn't know if I was supposed to ask that as the girl. His response let me know that it was a good idea.

"I changed into a blue T-shirt with boxers to match."

I love him in blue. I bet he did that on purpose because when I see him in blue I practically pounce on him.

"I'm lying on the bed wishing you were here."

"I wish I was there too."

"You know what I would do to you?"

I knew this is supposed to be the part where we start but I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to say.


"I would lay you down and kiss your neck slowly."

"Uh huh."

"I would rip those shorts off and have my fingers start rubbing your clit."

I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm having phone sex.

"Uh huh."

"I would feel your body push against mine and go faster."

"Tim, I want you." I know he likes hearing that.

"I would shove my finder inside you to hear you moan."

I hear his heavy breathing. I know he can hear mine.

"Then, I would put my dick in you, rocking against you slowly while kissing your lips."

"Oh god, Tim."

"I would keep going feeling your nails on my back."

I'm biting my lip so much I think it's going to bleed.

"I would flip you on top of me and have you ride me."

"Oh god yes."

"I would lean up to kiss your breaths and neck as you moved slowly against me and..."

We haven't seen each other in so long. I didn't think this was going to last too long but it's good that we can finish together even on the phone.

"Oh god Tim I'm almost there."

"Me too baby."

"Oh my god."

I finish. I can hear him catching his breath on the other end. I clean myself up and put my shorts back on.

"I wish you were here with me, baby."

"I miss you, handsome."

"If I wasn't tired before I'm tired now."

"I love you handsome. Stay safe out there."

"I love you baby. Don't forget it."

I look at the time. One month, two weeks, and four days have now passed. Way to enter this day with a bang.

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