Chapter 85

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"Happy Valentines Day!" Abby and Tony wrap me in a hug. The lab is cover in pink and red hearts. Many mini Cupids are hanging for the ceiling. There are cookies in the shape of hearts on the table. Abby will really celebrate any Hallmark holiday. She makes it fun for everyone. I'm surprised to see Tony excited about the "Holiday".

"You guys too." I look around and see Palmer sitting at Abby's desk. He waves over and wishes me a happy valentine's day. I assume so because the door is closed, and I can't hear him.

He's there because Tim decided to be with Ziva on her day shift. I hope it means that they are getting closer to catching them in the act. I'm glad they're together because I don't feel comfortable with them being out there this long.

Juice may get away with things, but they aren't the smartest when it comes to noticing their surroundings. Ziva is smart enough to change her positions every day. She probably changes it every hour knowing her. She trained like that. I think that's why Gibbs put her out there. Tony and I have faith in her. I have faith in him too. I just wish he did.

"Have you guys seen Sean or Adam today?"

"Yes!" Abby shouts while grabbing the cookies. "These are for them. I already gave Tony is gift and I will give you yours later."

"Oh really?" Tony looks intrigued.

We already know what he's thinking and it's not what's going to happen.

Abby slaps him in the arm to snap him out of his dirty mind. He doesn't flinch.

Abby hands me the cookies. "Here, you take it to them. You know them better than I do."

That's Abby for you. Always wanting people to feel a part of something. From what I've seen the three of them haven't really talked since they got here, and she still made them valentine's day cookies.

I rest everything that I have on the table and leave the room with Tony.

I see him handing me something from his pocket.

"My hands are kind of full Tony."

He takes the tray from me and hands me a box of candy hearts. I used to hate the taste of these, but now I like the sayings and the taste. I don't know what happened. I just know that I love that he gave me a valentine.

"Tony. Thank you I love these. I just didn't get you anything."

He shrugs. "Who cares. Besides they cost as much as something from the vending machine. Just open them."

I tear open the box and take out a piece. I shake the box to notice that all of them say the same thing.

"Be True." I don't think I've ever seen one with this saying on it.

"I've noticed that your head has been somewhere else lately. I know we never take this long on a case, but we have to take precautions when trying to get evidence from these guys."

The last thing I wanted to talk about today was the investigation. I just wanted to show up and keep to myself. Except Abby, we have been being the old us again ever since I brought Sean and Adam in. We were both tired of getting no results from forensics that we felt like we were failing. I know Abby and she will never say that forensics is the one that failed her. It would just take her away to admit that she failed it. I don't think she ever would. She's too good at what she does.

"Thank you, Tony."

"I just wanted you to know that I know you. You may think I don't, but I do. I know that you aren't yourself and I want you to know that you can always be yourself when you're around me. Us, the team, you know what I mean?"

What Really Happens: NCISTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon