Chapter 75

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We arrive to our destination and I get out of the car. The place looks run down, but that's how they like it. They think it makes it look more dangerous to us regular people. They want to seem dangerous, they want people to know not to mess with them. They want the town, and the cops here know that they have it. It's the reason why they still put the heat and electricity through to the building.

The agents are in front of me. Tim holds back to stay with me. Not as my boyfriend but as my friend. A person that cares. He's probably worried at the fact that I was quiet in the car ride. If that worries him, I'm glad he wasn't riding with Gibbs and I this morning.

He jumps when he hears Gibbs voice. "Peters I think you should stay in the car."

Stay in the car? Is he serious? I was fine with staying with Abby before, but he tore me away from her with the way he was staring at me. I'm the one who knocked on the door because I knew that Terry's doorbell didn't work. Now, he wants me to sit this out? I don't think so. You asked for my help and I'm giving it to you.

"No." Tim and Tony share a look. Tony grabs Tim by the sleeve. They both back up as if Gibbs and I are having a shootout.

"No?" Gibbs is smiling, but I know it's not because he's amused. I'm not either. I was thinking about asking why but my mouth had a different plan. I'm blaming it on the fact that I'm back in my town. This place makes me into the person it wants me to be. It formed me to be this person when people are looking. I don't like it, but it has.

I've walked these streets alone, too many times to count. They make you feel like you're being watch. You have to watch your own back while other eyes are on it. You have to look like you aren't weak and can hold your own or someone, anyone, will mess with you anyway they know how. You can't look away from anything you cherish for one second, or it will be taken. You can't let you guard down for second, or a bulldozer will come and knock it down, with every hope and dream you had.

I walk pass the agents, wanting to forget what I just said. No one says anything. Which is good because I feel like I'm walking to the principal's off right now. I knock on the door when I get there. I can feel the vibration of the music when my hand goes against the wood that has been around longer than I have.

"Do we really think we should be knocking on the door?"

"Juice, DiNozzo." I turn around in shock that those words just came out of Gibbs mouth.

He grins, and I turn back to the door. Relief fills my body that he isn't mad that I said no. I hear locks being unlocked. I'm surprised they heard the knock over the music they're playing.

Two guys open the door wearing the same leather jacket as Sean. One has a scar on his face and isn't smiling at our presence. The other looks confused that someone knocked on their door. He looks young. He couldn't be a day older than 16.

The one with the scar nudges the young one. He clears his throat before talking to us.

"We can tell you guys are blue. That's fine as long as you got juice."

I shake my head. "Juice over everything." The guy in the scar shakes his head with a smirk. He looks me up and down, and I try not to show my disgust.

The young one is now smiling as if he passed a test. I think he just did. "Come on in."

I walk in and the agents are behind me. I don't know what they are thinking, and I don't have time to turn around. I have to have my guard up more than usual while we are on their turf. The town is their turf, but now that we are in their hang out, anything goes.

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