Chapter 54

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Driving to Tim's apartment has me excited. I haven't seen him in days and I miss him. I talk to him over the phone every night. We text each other good morning and talk about random things. When I see something that I like I text him. When something makes me laugh, I text him. Anytime that something comes to mind that I think is funny or doesn't make any sense I text him. He does the same with me. He texted me the other days asking why is it that when we were kids, that video games were only meant for boys, but when the girls got home, they would play barbie dress up and eye spy. I told him that those don't count as video games to people because there isn't any violence or any fun in it. I told him I know he thinks the same way and he didn't even try to deny it.

I pull up to his apartment and the moment I step out I hear the door open. I run to him and jump into his arms and kiss him.

"Did you miss me?"

I laugh and kiss his lips again. I hate to think that tomorrow I might not get to see him. At least I get today.

We go into his apartment and he sits me down at his computer.

"Wait here I will go get ready."

Hearing him mention clothes reminds me that I didn't make an important stop on my way here. I will have to bring him with me.

He comes back out wearing a shirt and tie with a long black jacket.

"Don't you look handsome."

"Only for you." He wraps his arms around me and bring his lips to mine. My legs grow weak, but we can't stop now. He has a few things planned for us today and I am already interrupting them.

"Tim, before we do what you have planned, can we make a quick stop first?"

He shakes his head and takes me to the car. I stop at mine to pick up two boxes. I told him to wait in his car and to pop the trunk. When I get in the car, I put the address in his GPS and we are on our way.

"How were your days off so far?"

"Besides, missing you all the time, they were good."

"Yeah? What did you do?"

"I saw Ziva one day. Tony and Abby the next day."

"Sounds fun."

"Yeah, it was. They are all leaving me today or tomorrow and it feels weird." I put my arm in his and lean my body on him. "And you are going to be leaving me tomorrow for your family."

"Well, I am not exactly sure what I am doing."

I sit back in my seat. "You know what? I don't want to know what you are doing tomorrow until tomorrow. If you end up being free, then you can call me. If you are not you can call me when you get back."

He grabs my hand. "I'm sorry that I don't know. I wish I did, especially this year because I have you."

"Don't worry about it. You just have a good time." I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up in seeing him tomorrow. What we are doing today is an example that I should stop complaining and be thankful for the little things. I always am, but sometimes I forget what I have.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see."

As he drives, we talk about what he did on his days off. He told me that he took what I said into consideration and started to write. I squealed and kicked my feet in the air. He said he was trying for a while but then he finally got it. He said he thought it was cute that I started off my apology with a note. He opens up his glove compartment and shows me that he still has the note.

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