Chapter Nine

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"Oh, shit!" I yell as I slam my foot on the breaks as I come to a red light heading to work.

I forgot that McGee wanted to drive me home after work. Here I am, driving myself to work. How could I have forgotten he wanted to drive me home? I only thought about him 50% of the time I was home yesterday. Which is more than I would like to admit to myself.

I can't believe I did this.

I decide to make a run for the elevator to get to Abby's lab. I don't want to risk telling him the news before the day even starts. I barely make it before I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Peters!" Oh universe, thank you. It's only Tony.

"Hey Tony."

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Abby's lab. Where else would I go?"

"Oh no, my poor mistaken friend. We need you in the squad room." I'm holding my breath the whole walk. We get there and it's only Ziva and Gibbs.

"I got her." Tony says.

"Hello, Ziva. Hi, Gibbs."

"Peters, you made it." Gibbs says as he gets up and heads for the stairs.

"Was it something I said?" Tony asks looking for an answer from me and Ziva.

Tony heads for his desk leaving me in the middle of the room. I take a step towards Ziva's desk and there it is again, another hand on my shoulder. I turn and this time, it's the smile I wanted to see.

"Melissa, Hi." McGee looks at the ground. "About today after work, I can't drive you home."

My shoulders and smile fall. Why am I upset? This is perfect, instead of me letting him down he's the one letting me down. This is twisted but I'm willing to take it.

"I'm sorry. We got out late last night and while I was driving, my engine started to smoke and-"

"Let's just say I had to wait for his car to get towed and then drive probie home last night." Tony says.

"Tim, don't worry about it. I made a mistake this morning." Since they already know we were going to carpool together, it doesn't matter if they know why we aren't anymore.

"A mistake?"

"Yeah, I drove here this morning. I didn't realize until I was five minutes away from here." He smiles.

"Maybe another time." He starts to walk to his desk, but I don't want him to.

"Or maybe today" He stops in his tracks. "Instead of me not having a car and you driving, it's just the opposite. I can drive you home, that is if you want me to." I was about to be lost in his smile again when the same voice as before interrupts my thoughts.

"Are you sure about that Peters? A car ride with McGee is getting more than what you're asking for." Tony's eyebrows go up waiting for me to make my decision.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" McGee looks over at Tony.

"You whined and complained the entire time yesterday about your car. That was the thanks I got for not leaving you to walk home." I have to hold my laugh back.

"McGee's car broke down Tony. I think he has a right to complain. Those car places make you pay ridiculous amounts of money to only fix one problem and create another." Ziva says after holding her tongue during the entire conversation.

"Thank you Ziva. And thank you Tony. I'm sorry if I was a pain last night but I think I deserve a break."

"Okay, okay." I put my hands up to stop this conversation. "McGee, I will gladly drive you home. I'm sure that with my father I have been with worse."

"Sounds good." McGee is happy which brings a smile to face that I can't fight. "You don't have to wait up for me if we get out late. Tony can drive me home again."

I feel Tony's eyes on us.

"No, McGee it's fine. I'm a night owl. I'll wait up for you." He smiles at me and this time I'm the one looking at the floor.

Tony stands up to put the attention on him. "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you. When you come in tomorrow morning saying how right I was while I-"

"Right about what DiNozzo?" Gibbs rejoins us walking over to his desk.

"That carpooling is good for the environment, with global warming and all."

"You should drive McGee to work then once and awhile DiNozzo." Ziva and I are pleased with Gibbs comeback.

"Peters." I look at Gibbs and my smile fades. I'm not sure why. "They need you in autopsy for a while."

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