Chapter Ten

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I'm excited to go autopsy. The doors slide open and I see Ducky and a stranger standing over Natalie. The smell is overwhelming, but it doesn't change my mood.

"Hi Ducky!" I can't help but sound excited. It's interesting down here. The walls are white, and it feels like I have enough room to do anything down here. Maybe this makes the dead feel as if they are in heaven.

"Good Morning Peters! Give me a moment while I get what you need. In the meantime, this is Jimmy Palmer."

The stranger, I mean Jimmy, looks up from Natalie and greets me.

"Hi, Hi Peters." Jimmy is 6' tall and has curly brown hair. His glasses are wider and rounder than Ducky's. They suit him well.

"Hi," My body bounces a little due to my excitement. "it's nice to finally meet you."

"Finally?" He looks at Ducky and back at me. I'm so glad I am not the only one who gets confused around here.

"I went on the field yesterday because you were running late. I hope everything is okay because you never showed."

"Yesterday? Oh okay, well you see-"

"Mr. Palmer!" Ducky's yell echoes throughout the room. He comes back to us holding a box with clothes, hair ties, and more of Natalie's belongings. He hands them over and I can barely keep it in my grasp.

"Peters here is busy and cannot listen to why you failed to make it yesterday." They stare at each other for a second and then shake their heads showing they understand each other.

"I predict we are going to see a lot of each other Peters. Abby fears coming down here and will do anything she can to avoid it." Ducky goes back to examining the body.

"She's scared? I don't mean to be rude but I don't feel that way. This place feels cozy in a weird way."

"That's not rude that's our language." Jimmy starts laughing at his joke while I smile and Ducky walks away.

"Well, thanks guys. I'll see you later."

The elevator is still there as I walk out of autopsy. I turn and see Ducky looking at Jimmy with disapproval. I wonder, what was going on yesterday?

Abby and I have been going through the evidence for two hours. Our system is, I examine everything manually and carefully. While Abby looks over my shoulder and puts all the codes into the computer. Bringing up evidence on the computer isn't hard at all. She lets me do it from time to time.

"Any crazy plans later?" Abby asks while packing Natalie's evidence bag. We tend not to look at each other when we are working.

"Not really. I'm just driving McGee home after he is done with work."

Abby looks up from the evidence and just stares at me. Before I know it, she comes over and traps me in one of her hugs.

"Did I miss something?"

"No, McGee is a really great guy. I mean it he is really nice and so are you." She releases her hug.

"Thanks." She's staring at me, then looks down at the ground. "Have you to ever, you know, been involved?"

Her eyes widen and she sighs. "Well, kind of, but it was nothing serious. It was a long time ago. I swear there was nothing there. We're just friends."

Is she trying to convince me or herself?

"You're not mad, are you?" Her voice is soft, and her eyes are low.

"No, Abby it's just a car ride."

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