Chapter 66

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It's now an hour and 35 minutes until 2010. Tim said he was going to the bathroom 20 minutes ago. All I told him was that if we ever get caught, I want to be the one to go. I know all my reasons were justified. He was there first. His job is more important than mine. Of course, I would hate to leave everyone. It would be sad, but the right thing to do. I said I would want to stay with him if it ever happens. It's true, I'm not going to let a rule get in the way of us. Besides risking my job for this, I want something good to come out of it if it happens. I don't want to quit because it's hard. The bright side is that it hasn't happened yet. If we don't get caught, then what is there to worry about?

It's now an hour and 30 minutes until 2010. Which means that Tim has been gone for 25 minutes. I'm starting to worry. He wouldn't leave me alone this long unless something has happened.

I wave down a waiter and ask him where the bathroom is. I thank him and make my way pass the bar. The bathroom is hiding in a hallway by the exit. Two doors are at the end of the hallway. One reads women, and the other reads men. I check the women's bathroom to see whether it's a one bathroom or there are stalls. I see that there are stalls. I assume that the men's room should be the same.

I knock on the door. "Tim? Is everything okay in there?"

There is no answer. I let ten seconds go by before knocking again.


I smile when the door slowly opens. A stranger smiles back at me. "Sorry babe, I was the only one in there. My name isn't Tim, but it is if you want it to be."

Alright, no.

I'm not your babe. I nod my head and make my way back to the table. Maybe I missed him when I was walking to the bathroom.

When I am able to see the table, there is no Tim. I look at the bar, the dance floor, I even look at other tables to see if he picked up a conversation with someone. He's a friendly person with a friendly face, I know he could if he wanted to. I don't see him anywhere.

Before I can get nervous, I notice that the bass player is nodding his head at me. I wave to him and make my way to the table. When I look away, I see out of the corner of my eye that he is still nodding his head. Then, I realize he can't wave to me because he is busy playing his instrument. He isn't nodding his head. He's gesturing me to come to him. Clearly, I have the time, and what can a guy playing a bass in front of an audience do?

I make my way towards him. I pass couples on the dance floor. Someone spins me and tries to dance with me. I politely decline and finally make it to the bass player.

"You wanted to see me?" He nods his head for me to get on the stage. Normally this isn't something I would do, but he won't stop nodding.

I slowly climb my way on the stage. I try to make it that my dress won't show anything that isn't supposed to be shown. My converses almost make me slide all the way in the back towards the drummer.

I say hello, but he couldn't hear me. I have to put my mouth inches away from his ear from him to hear me.

"Hello!" He isn't even startled by my yelling.

"Hey honey!" But his startles me. "I know you're looking for your man. I saw him head for the bathroom!"

"Checked there and he wasn't!" Great, that sounds as if I entered the men's room myself.

"You didn't let me finish!" He throws the bass in the air, does a spin, and catches it. The crowd cheers, that is the loudest it has been in here all night.

"Once he went there, I saw him walk out the exit honey!" He went outside? Why would he tell me he's going to the bathroom and then go outside? Did what I said upset him that badly? If it upset him in anyway, he should have stayed and talked to me about it. Not leave me alone in a restaurant in the city.

What Really Happens: NCISOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora