Chapter 7

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Ash panted slowly as he walked back home. He opened the Door and crashed down on the Sofa and panted heavily. 

Yellow came into the Living room and gasped at Ash. 

"Ashy~. You are drenched in sweat. Go have a Hot Shower" She said as Ash nodded, unable to speak because of Panting hard. 

He got up and walked upstairs to his room. He twisted the knob and opened the door.

His room was nothing special. A Writing Desk which had a Macbook and an Old Ipad on it. A Bed which would be perfectly fine for a person. Some Posters about Legendary Pokemon. Some Pictures of him and his mom which were taken on multiple occasions.  A Closet and a Door which led to the Bathroom. 

He opened the Closet and quickly took a Red Shirt and Yellow night pants. 

He opened the Bathroom Door and finished Bathing. 

He came down only to see his mom setting up plates for Dinner. 

Yellow's eyes met Ash's. 

"What are you doing? Come down here and Eat?" Yellow giggled as Ash shook his head and sat down on his Chair.

Ash saw that Yellow cooked an Italian Full course Meal. Soup, Pasta, Veggies, Italian Bread.

"Thanks Mama" Ash thanked her causing her to giggle.  

"Just eat up" Yellow said. Ash took some Pasta and ate it in a matter of minutes causing Yellow to giggle.

It took Ash no time to finish his Dinner. "I am done" Ash said as he stood up. 

Yellow looked up from her plate and nodded. 

"Alright. Lucario" Yellow called as a Lucario appeared in the Room.

"Yes Mistress" Lucario asked as it shot Ash a Glance.

"Can you feed the other Pokemon for me" She asked as she Finished eating her Dinner. 

"As you wish" Lucario said. 

"You should train tomorrow. Sharp 5 pm" A Voice rang inside Ash's head and he nodded at Lucario who left. 

"Come on Ashy~. Let's tuck you to bed" Yellow clapped her hands together. 

Ash blushed a little and shook his head for a no. 

"Mama. I am not a KID anymore" Ash pouted. 

Yellow giggled and replied. "You will always be a Kid for me". This made Ash pout more. 

"Whatever" He muttered as he ran into his room. 

He jumped on his bed. Yellow walked into his room. She sat on the Floor beside Ash who looked at her in a disapproving manner. 

"Mama" Ash whined as he turned around. 

"What? I am just tucking you to sleep" Yellow defended. Ash shook his head again.

"So did you enjoy your Trip today?" yellow asked. Ash nodded. 


"What part did you like?" Yellow asked as she ran her fingers through Ash's hair. 

"The Contest part" Ash replied as his eyelids felt heavy. This always happened when Yellow tried to tuck him to sleep. 

"Hmmm and?" yellow questioned as she giggled at Ash's cute face. 

"Andddd whatever" Ash muttered as he shifted his position and went into a deep slumber.

Yellow giggled at Ash's cuteness and ruffled his Hair. She took his Duvet and put it above his shoulders fully covering his whole body except his Face. 

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