Chapter 30

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3rd Person P.O.V

"Damn It. Just send it flying with Dragon Pulse" Ash commanded as Garchomp fired a Dragon Pulse at a Spearow.

Ash was simply riding on Garchomp to the P.C until it started raining pretty bad. Hell, It was storming. The Clouds were cracking electricity.

All of a Sudden, A Pack of Sperow's and Fearow's had to attack them.

"Grrrrrr" Ash growled in anger. He wanted to burn them to crisp for messing with an Aura Guardian.

None the Less, Try to kill him and eat him as dinner.

"STAY AWAY PEASANTS" Garchomp warned the Stupid Birds. 

"Why do these Pokemon have to be so annoying" Ash growled in anger as a Fearow used Hyper Beam on him.

"Fly Higher" Ash commanded as Garchomp flew higher. Fearow dodged it's shot.

"The only way to defeat them is if I use it" Ash thought as Garchomp dodged a pack of Spearow's.

"But If I use it...." Ash thought as he looked at the city below.

What he did not know was a Fearow using Hyper beam right at Ash's Head. Garchomp could not notice this because of the Rain.

"WATCH OUT" Garchomp said as Ash's Eyes widened. He quickly ducked down. The Hyper Beam was still above him, It barely missed by a millisecond.

"DAMN IT. JUST USE IT ALREADY" Garchomp flew a little far. 

"JUST END THIS" Ash yelled as he grabbed the Necklace around his neck.

"I know we havent mastered this Yet, But trust me" Ash whispered as his Eyes and scar turned Red.

"I know we havent mastered this Yet, But trust me" Ash whispered as his Eyes and scar turned Red

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Red Aura flowed through them as Garchomp's Eyes turned Red too.

Ash grabbed the Necklace as the Stone on Garchomp's Chocker glowed Red.

"Show them the Power of the Strongest Element Garchomp, Awaken the Power of Dragon within you and Roar. MEGA EVOLVE" Ash yelled as a Bright Red and Golden Light came out from the Necklace.

"GAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR/ AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Garchomp and Ash yelled together as 2 Golden, 2 Red Strongs of Energy came out from Ash's Necklace.

4 Strings of Purple Energy came out from the Stone on Garchomp's Chocker. They both connected and the Strongs of Energy Turned into a Rainbow Color.

Ash's Glove completed itself as a Red Crimson Flame Symbol formed on his Glove. 

Garchomp got covered in a Strange Energy as it's Body Grew. A Second Later A Double Helix Symbol appeared infront of Garchomp as the Energy around him disappeared.


Garchomp's Body was in a completely different color than it's previous Purple Color. It's Body grew into a more muscular one. It looked more like a Fighting Jet than a Pokemon

 It looked more like a Fighting Jet than a Pokemon

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(This is what Garchomp Looks like BTW)

"OUTTA MY FACE" Ash yelled as Garchomp roared in anger sending a lot of Air Pressure towards the Fearow's.

"I TOLD YOU STAY AWAY" Garchomp said with his Red-Eyes glaring at the Pokemon who were now bloody terrified.

"JUST END THEM. Dragon Flare" Ash commanded an Unknown move as Garchomp's Body got covered in Purple Draconic Energy.

Garchomp opened his mouth as a Purple Ball of Energy formed in his mouth. He blasted it towards them and changed his trajectory and hit all the other Pokemon.

They all disappeared into fine dust.

Ash's Body felt like Paper. He used Way too much Aura today.

"Just land" Ash mumbled as he felt his vision getting blurry.

Garchomp nodded. He reverted back to his normal form and landed infront of the P.C.

Ash got off him and returned the Dagon Type. His footing was not proper. He entered the Viridian Pokemon Center and noticed the Lights on. 

He walked towards the Stairs and used a little bit of Aura to dry up his clothes on the way upstairs.

Ash took out his Key Card and swiped it. The Door opened and as Kicked it shut with his right leg.

He kicked his shoes as his vision got even more blurry.

Ash's Knees hit the end of the bed as he jumped on the Bed. He felt the Soft Pillow against his cheek as he sighed.

His Body ached like hell. He soon entered a Void called Dreams.

"Ash" A Pretty masculine Voice called our white-haired trainer. 

Ash felt like he just shifted his Positions. 

"Ash. Wake up. It's like 11 am" A Voice chuckled as Ash unintentionally opened his eyes. 

His Eyes were met with a Pair of Red Eyes. 

"Naaaaa" Ash said, almost as if his body was not in his control.

"Am I in a Vision" Ash thought as he moved and he got into an Astral Form.

"Yes. This is a Vision" Ash grit his teeth when he saw himself as a Baby in a crib and a Black Haired, Red-Eyed man kneeling in front of his baby self.

Ash (Baby) raised his arms for the man to hold on. The Man chuckled and held Ash in his hands. He raised him up in the air.

Ash (Baby) was just an Infant who looked about 4-5 months old. He was wearing a Baby Blue Baby Outfit which covered everything except his hands and head.

"Paaaaaaaaaaaa" Ash(Baby) said while smiling widely at the man. The Man smiled and kissed Ash's (Baby) forehead.

"How are you?" The man asked as Ash (Baby) waved his arms around indicating that he was happy.

"What are you Boy's doing?" A Voice interrupted them as our white-haired Trainer's eyes fell on a Blonde waring A Plain Yellow T-Shirt and Black Shorts.

"Just waking Little Mr.Ketchum up" The Red-eyed man answered as the Blonde came upto him. She kissed his cheek and took Ash (Baby) in her arms.

"How is my Little Prince doing? hmmmmmm?" Yellow asked as Ash (Baby) gave her one of the most innocent smiles a Child could make. 

Yellow chuckled at him and rubbed their noses together and kissed his Forehead and both of his cheeks.

Ash smiled at her widely.

"Maaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Ash (Baby) said as he waved his arms at her wanting to gain her attention which was already set on him.

"Good Morning Mr. Ketchum" Yellow greeted the Baby as Ash (Present) felt him losing his hold of reality.

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