Chapter 158

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The Next Day Evening

"Ashy~" Ash felt a Huge Weight on his Chest as he heard 4 Angelic Voices. 

"Awwww. Guys, I feel like I am gonna die" Ash gasped out some Air. Astrid, Cynthia, Diantha & Serena got off him.

"You are finally back" They all said as the Kanto Champion nodded and sweatdropped. 

   "And I came bearing Gifts" Ash lifted all the Shopping Bags.

"Awwww. You did not have to" Astrid said.

"I wanted to" Ash replied.  

"What did you get us? What did you get us?" Serena asked excitedly as Ash chuckled and showed them their Gifts.

"I bought their Exotic Dress Designs to help Serena and Astrid in their Performances" Ash handed them their Books.

"Awwwww. That's so thoughtful of you" They both said at the same time. 

"And I bought some Books on Pokemon Ruins Research for Cynthia & Acting for Diantha"

"Gaaaaaah! So Many Books. Did you go to a Book Store?" Diantha asked as Ash shook his head and pointed at the Other Bags. 

"Books are part of the Gift" Ash simply stated. 

The Other Gifts are like Dresses and Souvenirs like Key Chains. 

"Here's the Final One. Not from me" Ash gave them a Plain Card and left the Room.

"What might this be" Cynthia examined it as she tapped it. A Hologram appeared.

"Yo!" A Sudden Voice interrupted. Cynthia was taken back by this. She jumped back in defence and noticed somebody in a Royal Outfit standing before them.

"Alpha! TF is wrong with you?" Cynthia asked as the Child sweatdropped.

"Well, I am here to ask how are the Legendaries doing?" Alpha asked "Yes as in Reshiram, Tornadus, Genesect & Diance. Hope you have been taking good care of them"  Alpha's voice was not filled with any concern at all.

Almost like he forgot about them.

"They are doing fine" Astrid replied. 

"Sir, You have a Meeting at the Round Table in 7 Minutes" Emma said from behind him as the Emperor of Sevestar nodded.

"Oh and one Last Request." Alpha smirked "Make me an Uncle as soon as possible. I won't mind if its the Next 9 Months" He said as their Faces went to '-'.

And then Crimson with Steam coming out of their Ears.

Cynthia was about to Punch the Hologram but it turned into fine dust before they could even react.

"I HATE YOU!" Cynthia yelled. 



"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you Alpha, Happy Birthday to you" Many People sang as Fireworks went off. 

"Sheeesh" Alpha said as he slicked the Cake with what looked like a Really Long ass Sword.

"Sheeesh" Alpha said as he slicked the Cake with what looked like a Really Long ass Sword

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