Chapter 120

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"North East, North East. Head to Mount Natagumo" A Crow yelled as Lexi & Alpha nodded.

"I heard that many 'Mizunoe's' and 'Mizunoto's' were sent there for some Power Demon's Beheading but none of them came back." Lexi said as she placed her hand on her chin.

"Well, What are we waiting for. Let's go" Alpha grabbed her hand and ran towards north East.

"Stop it." Lexi chuckled as she ran along.

When they reached there,



They saw the Catastrophe of 10's of New Demon Slayers being Dead with their Bodies cut into shreds.

"This is absurd." Alpha said as Lexi put her hand over her nose to cover the Bad smell.

"This must be a Strong Demon if it caused this much Trouble" Lexi said as she walked away from the Pile of Dead Organs and into the Forest.

"I hate it here" Alpha said as he jumped onto a Tree only to see spiders crawling on his Body.

"Fuck you" Alpha said as he killed them with his fist.

"Spiders are Dangerous here. Don't kill them if you don't want to get infected with Poison" Lexi warned him as he sweatdropped.

"Yes Master" He said. He felt a Huge Wave of Nausea hit him as he covered his nose.

"This Scent. It's too strong" Alpha said as the Brach he was standing on snapped or rather got cut down into half.

"ALPHA" Lexi yelled in horror as he took out his sword.

"Total Concentration, Waterbreathing 2nd Form, WATER WHEEL" Alpha said as he swirled in a circle and landed, decreasing the Fll Damage.

"Damn" Alpha mumbled as he looked at the Far distance. He saw something shiny like threads come his Way.

"WATCH OUT" Alpha screamed as he pushed Lexi away. A String cut his Right Leg as blood came out of the Cut.

"Shit" He cursed as he saw the Platelets come into Action. 

"Alpha" Lexi said but was waken back by the String beore her. 

"No No Princess. Don't go near your Student. If you do then I am gonna shred him into Pieces" A Deep Voice said as Lexi's Eyes widened at the Sight.

"You? You are a 12 Kizuki....." She spat as she looked at the Demon "Lower 5" She grit her teeth 

"As if I would let you, You Filth" She spat as she took out her Raper and charged at him

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"As if I would let you, You Filth" She spat as she took out her Raper and charged at him. She was able to dodge a lot of Hits until he trapped her in a String Trap and sliced her Arm.

"Lexi" Alpha managed to say as he got up.

"Alpha. Get out of here. The Lower 5 is one of the Greatest Kizuki's. Get Out" She was able to say as she covered her right arm's bleeding.

Alpha got on One Knee and got a Hold of his Katana. 

"I gotta do this" Alpha said as he took his Katana and slightly un-sheathed it.

"Lexi, Promise that you won't tell anybody about this" Alpha said softly as he smiled at her. She only smiled at him.

"Total Concentration, Thunder breathing, 1st Form Thunder Clap & Flash, God Speed" Alpha said as he got covered in Blue Electric Force.

"ThunderBreathing? How is he able to use That Breathing when he uses Water Breathing?" Lexi asked as the Demon's head got chopped off by her Student. "A Single Strike?" She asked as she saw the Lower Half of the Demon's Body walk up and take it's head and put it back on and the Wound healed in seconds.

"That was all you got?" The Lower 5 asked as he formed red coloured Strings formed in his Hand and he charged Projectiles at Alpha who just placed his Katana's tip faced to the ground.

"Drop Dead" Alpha stated Simply as all the Strings broke.

"Not only did you have the Nerve to attack the Other Demon Slayer's but you dare attack my Master You Piece of Demon Filth" Alpha said in an angered tone as Black Lightning Sparks formed around him.

"Total Concentration Constant, Thunder Breathing, 9th Form, Black Lightning" Alpha chanted as his sword cracked Black Electricity. The Very Next Moment, He appeared beside the Demon and sliced his Head off. He took off his limbs too, just in case.

He got into a weird stance and placed his Sword and sheathed his Sword. 

(I might say Katana and Sword but just remember that it is also a Nuchirusu Sword that Tanjiro had in the Anime but the Hilt is Blue instead of Black )

He rushed towards Lexi and held her leg up. 

"You are bleeding like Crazy Master. Try to use Total Concentration Constant and close the Broken nerve" Alpha suggested as he took out some bandages and wrapped them around her right Leg. "In the meantime, I will heal your Hand" He said as he looked at her arm and applied some medicine on it as the Wound slowly started healing itself.

"Okay" She said as she closed it.

At Midnight

Alpha & Lexi were in a Hotel Room and Lexi was fast asleep on her Bed and Alpha was sleeping on his Futon shaking because of the Cold a Little.

He shifted uncomfortably and looked at Lexi who was sound asleep. 

He got a Crazy Idea and decided to follow it.

"She would not mind right" Alpha thought as he shook his head. "Well, It's not like I want to. It's just the Cold" He said to himself as he hesitantly got onto Lexi's Bed.

(Don't try to do things like these. You are gonna get your Face smashed if u do '-')

The Bed was not enough for 2 People but they can adjust. Alpha put the Cover on him too and tried to sleep. His worries washed away as he felt something running through his hair in a soft manner.

He smiled as he drifted into sleep.

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