Chapter 165

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"This is my 3rd Frontier eh?" Ash mumbled as he looked at the Town in front of him.

It was so Modern. He decided to take a Scroll through the Town before he reaches his Gym. 

He never knew that he would face one of the Most Shoking Things in his Life.

Ash walked through the Busy City. He was enjoying the Pleasentless untils somebody disturbed him. 

Something to be more specific.

"TEAM BETA. GET OVER HERE" A Cop Bike Chased a Huge Truck as Ash stopped in his Tracks. 

"TEAM BETA?" He yelled as he saw the Flying Team Beta Truck and a Levitating Bike. 

Why the Hell are the Cops in this Region soooo cool.

"TEAM BETAAAAAA" The Cop yelled as he chased after the Team Beta truck which flew in the Air. 

"Aren't there any Professionals here. I mean, Like the Leader of a Unit or something?" Ash said with a sigh as he facepalmed himself. 

He promised Alpha that he would NEVER EVER Interfere any of Sevestar's Affair's, Even if he was about to see a Murder.

What in the Hell of a Promise is that?

The Team Beta Truck landed at the Top of a Tall Building as People did not even give that Dude a shit and went on with their Own Works.

"We need Back Up." The Cop requested through his Microphone on his Jacket. 

He did not get a reply for a couple of seconds until he heard a very familiar yet terrifying voice.

"I am on my Way" A Very Not so Mature and not so Childish Voice said as the Line got cut. 

"No way........ Team Beta is done for" He said as Ash leaned against the Wall of a Building. The Team Beta grunt came out of the Truck and yelled.

"YOU AND YOUR BITCHY CHAMPION CAN'T STOP TEMA BETA ASSHOLES" He yelled as Ash imitated him, Kinda like Mocking.

"I WILL MAKE ALPHA ARCADIA BOW BEFORE MASTER BETA" He yelled as every Flying Car stopped in its Tracks.

Oh Shit, He fucked up. Too Bad that the people could not interfere. 

Or Else.

All that would be left is a Ribcage or less, A Bone.

"You" The Grunt heard a Voice as the Cop looked dup and his Eyes widened though his Glasses and he got goosebumps which were visible through his Armor.

"Oh, This is gonna be a massacre" He thought as he noticed a Teen about 17 years of age flying in the Air.

He has white/blue coloured hair. The right side of his hair appears tame, but it spikes out towards the left side. He also has pinkish reddish eyes. He wore a white and blue shirt with two black lines and light blue space in the middle and blue and grey shoulder pads with black sleeves, Blue Pants and Black Boots.

He had a Huge Ass Dragon beside him which was constantly transferring its Aura to the Blue Haired Guy.

"You Trash. How dare you not only disrupt the Peace of the Region but insult the Champion." The Huge Ass Dragon beside him roared in sheer anger.

" The Huge Ass Dragon beside him roared in sheer anger

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