Chapter 44

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Ash walked upstairs to the main party hall which had a lot fewer lights compared o what they were about 2 hours ago.

"What do we have here. The Boy who killed every team Beta Grunt" Ash heard a voice as he turned towards the source only to be met with a Dragon pulse which he thankfully dodged.

"Who are you?" Ash spat as he rose up. He used 99% of his Aura in eliminating all the Grunts so he did not have much left.

"Who me?" The Man said as he pointed at himself.

A Look at his clothes and you can tell who he was.

"Introduce yourself first kid" The Beta Member said as Ash looked at him in the eyes threateningly.

"How Impolite of me, I am Ash Ketchum and it's an honor to meet a man of your stature Executive" Ash stressed out the word 'Executive' because he knew that Executives are strong.

Stronger than a Champion sometimes.

The man tried to control his grin but failed.

"So, The Beta Huner is here I see" the Man grinned. "I am Marcus Robinson" The man said as Salamance roared.

"Tell me kid. You have 2 options. 1, Be the way you are and Die.2, Join Team Beta and become like me. A Fully Loaded Bastard who can do anything he ever wants" Marcus offered as Ash looked at him.

He thought about it for a second,

The Offer was not bad actually.

Why shouldn't he join Team Beta and do-


Nvm, Corrupted Script.

Ash hung his head low and smiled.

"You know" Ash said as he looked at Marcus "I ALWAYS create a path for myself. ARCANINE, USE FIREBLAST" Ash commanded as Marcus's Eyes widened when a Golden Arcanine jumped from behind him and opened his mouth.

"Pffft" Marcus hissed as Salamance turned around and sent Arcanine was sent flying by a Dragon Tail by Salamance. 

Ash quickly returned Arcanine but failed to notice Marcus's smirk.

"Wrong Choice Kid. DRAGON PULSE AND RIP HIS LEGS OFF" Marcus commanded as Ash's eyes widened.

But he was too late to react. 

He suddenly felt numb as the floor beneath him cracked. Ash fell into the Sea feeling nothing but his arms and head. 

In the Indigo Conference Room

"Listen up here everybody. Especially you Lance. TEAM BETA IS BACK IN THE HOUSE" The Silver-haired woman from before announced with a sly smirk. 

This was the Live Telecast of the Evens happening in St.Anne.





Everybody fell silent at the Words. The Kanto Elite 4 and the Champion mainly. 

All of a sudden.

"Dragonite. St.Anne. RIGHT NOW" Lance commanded as a hole formed in the roof.

In the Room... An Old Man shed a single Tear at this. 

Charles Goodshow knew Beta too well. His Eyes traveled to the Hall of Fame in the Conference Room where all the Previous Champions's Images were held.

His Eyes fell on 2 Particular Pictures.

A Wave of Guilt passed onto his face at the Picture.

Every time he sees at them it feels like the Person is glaring at him.

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