Chapter 82

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Timeskip- 1 Week

"End it. Dragon Claw" Red-Eye simply commanded as Garchomp flew into the Sky and hit his Opponent's Torterra which fainted upon contact.

"R-R-Re-Red-Eye wins" The Referee stuttered as Red-Eye returned his Garchomp and walked out of the Stadium.

"Fuck" Ash cursed. He walked into an Empty street that leads to his Hotel.


Fate decided otherwise.

"Stop right where you are Ash Ketchum" A Female voice said as Ash mentally cringed at the sound.

Ash gulped and turned around as he got grabbed by the collar and was dragged away.

"DAMN YOU BLONDIE" Ash screamed at the Blonde as the Lucariobeside her chuckled. 

"Shut the Fuck Up Moron" The Blonde sent him a deadly glared at him as Ash felt a chill run down his spine. 

She figured out it's him. even with his mask on. 

A couple of moments later Ash was in a Hotel Room as the Blonde threw him on the ground and closed the door with a kick and locked it.

"Owwwieee" Ash rubbed his butt as he stood up and looked at the Blondie Bitch who was the cause of all this. 

"Cynthia........" Ash moaned out her name as he facepalmed himself.

He never really called her after the St.Anne incident.

Now, Cynthia was tall, sleder. Knee Length Creamy Blonde hair and her bangs covered her Left Eye. Her Outfit was well....

Too complicated but your Author is gonna try,

Long-Sleeved Black Trench Coat. A Fluffy Chocker on her neck. 2 Black Tear Shaped Hairclips with a Yellow Line on them with 2 on each side. Her Trench Coat had the Symbol of Sinnoh's Pokemon League on it and many others. Black Pants with White Stripes and a Dynamax Band on her right hand. 4 Inch Black Heels with Golden Lines on them.

(How many of you wish Cynthia looked like this in the Anime '-'

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(How many of you wish Cynthia looked like this in the Anime '-'

Bcz I sure was wishing for a long time)

"Ash Ketchum" Cynthia spat as she launched her fist at Ash's face.

"CynthiawaitIcanexplai-" Ash could not finish his sentence as he felt an Ear-splitting pain on his right ear.

"You did not call me for a long ass time Ketchup. Too Busy that you can't even text your Best Friend huh? Champion of Kanto and Johto" Cynthia pulled him by the ear as Ash whined in pain.

"Cyn~ That hurts you bish"  Ash groaned as Cynthia stopped pulling his ear as Ash fell on the ground holding his red ear.

"Fuck You Blondie" Ash spat at her as she giggled. 

"Why Thank You Sir." Cynthia giggled as Ash stood up and pouted.

"What is wrong with you" Ash's cheeks turned slightly red at her appearance.

"Did I pinch you hard?" Cynthia asked in concern as Ash nodded "I know how to heal it" Cynthia smirked devilishly.

Ash noticed this as he saw her face coming closer to his. She placed her lips on his ear as Ash blushed furiously. 

"CYNTHIA SHIRONA WTF IS Wrong with you" A Scream was heard by the whole hotel as some people fell down and a Certain Hooded man and a Blonde Woman got startled.

That Night- In Cynthia's Hotel Room, Bedroom to be more specific.

(No Lemons pervs, You really need holy water)

"So, Your Next Opponent is Karl huh?" Cynthia said as she looked at her I-Pad which had Red-Eye's next match on it.

"Yep" Ash smiled sheepishly at her as she chuckled.

"Crush Him" Cynthia chuckled as she leaned back on her chair.

Ash grinned "As you wish Ma'am".

The Next Day

'' Kark Jason has been Defeated. Red Eye wins by a 3-0" The Referee announced as Toxtricity grinned. 

"Fool" Ash said as he walked away giving off a Cool Vibe and also accidentally releasing some Aura.

In the stadium, a Hooded Figure growled in anger. 

"Sir, Do you sense it. The Power coming from his Pokeball's?" A Blonde asked her Creator as the man nodded.

"Fuck. He got a lot stronger than last time" He cursed as the Blonde nodded.

"Just Why. " He mumbled as he leaned against the wall.

"Just don't get any stronger Ash. I won't be able to stop you from causing Destruction" The hooded man mumbled as he closed his eyes.

For the Next coup[le of Days, The League was already at it's finals.

And Ofcourse Ash crushed it but in the finals he could not tell.

"I hope that you will prove your Skills are one to be Reckoned with, Red-Eye" Ash's opponent smiled at Ash as Ash's jaw tightened.

"Ofcourse I will.....Tobias" Ash smirked evilly as the referee started the match.

"Darkrai" Tobias said as Ash held onto a Masterball.

"Fuck You Ash Ketchum. The Hell is wrong with you. Why the hell are you using them in a Tournament" A Hooded figure groaned angrily.

"That's Not against the Rules Mister Dark" Emma hit Dark's head as he groaned at her.

"You Whore" Dark spat at the A.I.

"You know Tobias they say fight fire with fire" Ash smiled as Tobias's smile disappeared for a moment.

"Descend from the Skies upon my Call, I choose you......." Ash said as he released the Pokemon.

"Ah Shit, Here we go again" Dark groaned 

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