Chapter 146 (Not really a Chap, But Explanation)

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A Month Since Ash arrived in Sevestar.

In the Real World.

"I guess writing a couple more chapters won't hurt" Author a.k.a me said as he sat down before his PC and began typing but a hand came out from the P.C Monitor.

"Whaaa-? ALPHA" The Author yelled as the Champion of Sevestar came out from the P.C

"Out, It's my Screen Time" Alpha yelled.

"Nope. The Readers are already complaining that you are getting too much Screen Time. They even say that you are too O.P. And some hate u" The Author said and sweatdropped.

"I said Out, Mah Screen Time" Alpha demanded.

"Bish. This is my Room" Author glared at the CoS as he got a Deathly cold glare back.

"Fine, Please leave for 5 Minutes" Alpha requested and the Author was nowhere to be seen.

"Alright." Alpha said as he sat down.

Explanation mode on (This won't be in Direct Speech anymore. Just Explanation)

Hi There Everybody. I am Alpha Arcadia, The Current Champion & Emperor of Sevestar.

Yes, If you forgot it already, I am the Emperor who rules the Whole Region up to a Certain Extent.

And before you ask how Intelligent I am,

Yes, I am too Intelligent. I CREATED Emma when I was a child.

Did you guys ever see how smoking hot she looks? 

Building an A.I is no Joke, Just using some Voice Commands and calling it an A. I is a Crime.

The Neural Networking and Programming which goes into an A.I is too much.

Ask ur Author if u  have doubts about it. 

Anyway, Now that I am here I am gonna explain some stuff but before that let's go over with what your Author told us.

1) Alpha is taking too much Screen Time.

Hmmm. I guess it should be fair that I am taking a lot of Screen Time as Ash got SO Much Screen Time until his Journey ended. Don't u think so?

I mean, WTF is wrong if I take more screen Time?

2) Alpha is too O.P

Ahem. Why am I O.P, You know the Reason and *eyes turn Cosmic Black and Hair Turns Galaxy Black*

*Changes Voice to one from AoT in 9 Minutes*

"Why don't you come ahead and say that to my Face you lil Bitch" Lmao JK JK.

And why am I O.P

You know Whyyyyyyy.

I have been a Trainer for FAR Longer than Ash has been. I have like 7 Years of Experience.

And I had the BEST Starter I could have ever had.

Don't u think so?

And Yes, I AM Supposed to be O.P

3) Alpha is Hated.

*Insert Giyu Tomika Voice*

"N-NO, I-I am not Disliked". Lmao. As if I care.

You hate me because I am taking more Screen Time and I am Too O.P than Ash Right.



IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YEARS IF ASH WAS TO EVER CONFESS. If Ash did not have my help They would have been married to some Random Dude and have had Kids already.

I sent a Clone to challenge Ash and arranged the Victory party.

Keep that in Mind.

And, Before I begin me boasting my Region.

Better shut it before Commenting Rude things about me otherwise Crimson Flames would be Discontinued.

Anyway, Sevestar, My Home Region a.k.a the Best Region, The Most Advanced Region, The Biggest Region, The Strongest Region and many More.

My Region is too advanced than any other Region. In Fact, We could harness the energy of the Stars too.

Sevestar is a Region with 7 Pointy Edges and it is shaped almost like a star. Sevestar has a Massive Area of 77.77 BILLION Km 2.

Really Crazy right.

Sevestar's Region and Ocean itself covers over 77% of the Whole Planet Earth-7. 

And Our Seas are Pure, I mean PURE. Crystal Clear, So Clear that u might even see the Floor of the Ocean if you concentrate a Bit.

And yes, I know the 1st 3 Gym Leaders were REALLY Strong. I mean.

How would you react if I said that they are NOTHING compared to the Final Gym Leader?


Lol, I would LOVE to see the Reaction on ur Faces. 

Anyway, Ask your Doubts about Sevestar in the Comments and-

Door Slams open.

"GET BACK. YOUR TIME IS UP" the Author yells at the Poor champion.

"Ayo! WTF, Chill-" Alpha gets thrown back into the Story.

"Palkia. Close the Fucking 4th Wall" 

"Pfft. Pathetic. I have Mewtwo for that" Alpha shrugs.

Back to the Story

Ash was constantly panicking.

"What should I do?"  Ash thought as he moved around the House in Panic.

Puberty had a Huge Effect on him.

Especially on his...

Sexual Tension.

He had to come back to Kanto for some Champion Duties and the Sexual Tension just won't stop.

He ran his hand through his Hair and cursed.

"Just Fuck." Ash cursed as his Eyes fell on his iPhone. He quickly picked it up and failed in a Number and hit 'Call'.

A Couple of Rings later.

"Hello Ash" Ash sighed in relief of the Fellow Champion's Voice.

"ALPHA ARCADIA" Ash yelled as the Champion in a Business Attire looked up to the Champion of Kanto.

"Yes" Alpha said, sounding too polite.

"How TF DO YOU CONTROL YOUR SEXUAL DEMONS?" Ash scream-asked his Bestie as a Sly Smirk crept up the Champion of Sevestar's Lips.

Oh! This is gonna end badly alright.

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