Chapter 40

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Ash saw a Pair of Sky Blue eyes looking into his soul.

It did not feel like they were trying to harm him.

It was quite the opposite.

The Shining Eyes were looking in his direction, interested. 

Ash's instincts kicked in as he walked towards the Pair of Eyes looking at him.

Ash's instincts kicked in as he walked towards the Pair of Eyes looking at him

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It was way too Dark for Ash to see so he blindly ran towards them. 

The Eyes gave Ash a look of confusion as they vanished. 

"What?" Ash spat as he turned to the side and saw the Pair of Blue Eyed behind him but this time he could barely make out the Figure of a Man (or Woman whoever it was)wearing a Black Trench Coat standing at about 6 Feet Tall. 

"Who are you?" Ash based with venom in his voice as the eyes tilted to the side. 

Only Confusion could be seen in the Eyes. 

Those Sky Blue Eyes looked so Hypnotizing even for Ash Ketchum himself.

"Wha- What is happening to me?" Ash asked as he looked at his hands and then back at the Figure in the TrenchCoat.

Those Eyes looked innocent but Dangerous at the same Time.

Ash ran towards the Figure in order to catch them but the Figure dodged just in Time.

"Grrrrrrr" Ash growled at the Figure who tilted it's head to the side innocently.

"Get over here you" Ash spat as he ran towards the Figure to catch him and beat him to pulp if he was a Team Beta Grunt.

The Figure did not move and stood in it's position.

Ash soon got a glimpse of the figure. 

Almost everything but his face which was covered by a hood and all.

The Figure had sky blue eyes was all Ash could see about his face.

The Figure or The Guy was wearing some weird suit of Sorts which looked like one's for Royals. He also had a staff and a bag on his waist. Brown Gloves and to complete the whole look.

It gave off Royal Vibes.

(The Figure's complete outfit(Not his face) and please imagine a hood and mask (not like Dark's oxygen mask but like the one which Assasin's wear, can't find any pics Sry)

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(The Figure's complete outfit(Not his face) and please imagine a hood and mask (not like Dark's oxygen mask but like the one which Assasin's wear, can't find any pics Sry) . Looks cool right?)

"Hmph" The Figure said as he slammed his staff on the ground. 

"Is that all you learned?" The Figure mocked Ash who looked at him in anger.

"What do you mean you little Brat?" Ash asked the Maan who was around 6 Foot 3.

The Man chuckled and spoke "Is that all you learned about your Aura. You did not even unlock it completely yet".

Ash's face went into a poker face.

"H-H-Ho-How do you- How do you know about that?" Ash asked angrily.

There are only 2 Aura Guardians on this Planet as per the Legends.

Only 2 Aura guardians will be born every Decade until a Certain amount of Time.

There was a Legend and it goes on like this.

Only 2 Aura Guardians shall be born after the 1st One left this World. The Chain of only 2 Aura Guardians shall be continued until Crimson Flare and Cosmic Chaos have awakened their Aura. From the Time when they awaken their Power, The 2 Aura Guardian Chain shall be broken.

"What? Are you surprised Satoshi Ash Ketchum, Aura User for Crimson Flare" The Man before him said in an I-Know-it-all Tone which Ash found rather interesting.

If this Guy knew about Aura then he must have the Info of the Other Aura User right?

"You are still Weak Boy" The Man before him said shocking Ash.

"What?" Ash asked while trying to stand but his Body felt numb.

"You are still Weak! You are unable to handle even 50% of your Aura. How do you expect to become great when you still prefer to be in the Weak" The Maan before him spat venomously as his eyes turned Jet black, It was rather a Silverish Color of sorts.

"How can you say that?" Ash asked quite surprised.

If this Guy can Scan Ash's Body and tell how much % of Aura he is using then he must be using a Device or Tracker.

"It's Quite Obvious Ash Ketchum. You Killed way too many Team Beta Grunts. Almost 300 Grunts. You killed every Grunt you saw, without Mercy. I saw you doing that. You are NOT even letting your Power flow in your Body" The Guy before him said as he pointed at Ash with his staff.

"Your Body is not allowing you to maximize your Aura." The Guy said as he set his staff down.

As-Ash's body?

He made sure to train well physically, way too much.

He could even defeat Yellow's Lucario if he wants to.

"You have potential Ash. Don't waste it. You are Training as hard as you can, We aren't gonna let that point slide. You are a Great Guardian for somebody of your Age. Your POTENTIAL IS GREATER THAN ANY OTHER TRAINER I ever saw. You just have to let your Power flow freely inside your Body. There is ALWAYS place for Development in strengthening your Aura. Now, You are at your 2nd Weakest State. Try to push beyond your Limits, Ketchum" The Man before him let out a soft chuckle as he pointed his staff at Ash.

"Y-You- You mea-Mean I could get stronger if I do that? But, I don't think I can push my Limit any further. Everytime I try, My Body just can't support it and I collapse. " Ash clenched his fist.

The man before him raised a brow at him or that's what it looked like.

"Ellobarate" The man before him aske-

Let me re-phrase that,

He commanded as Ash looked up to meet the Man's Silver Eyes.

"Every time I push myself to get stronger and better at my Aura. My Body like, It just shuts down like a Computer. Even when I killed those Grunts, I was not able to unlock my Aura" Ash said as the Man looked at him with a raised brow.

"Then, Just try harder" The Man before him said in a It's-TooSimple-Tone.

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