Chapter 151

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"Aurorus, You know what to do" Irisviel (I am just gonna use Ir cuz it's her nickname and is easier to type) commanded as Aurorus called out its name and got covered in a Snowy Tornado of sorts as Multiple Screens appeared before her.

"What kind of Move is that?" Ash asked as he braced himself. Iri on the other hand did not even look fazed.

"It's called Snowhail Boost, It will increase a Pokemon's Ice Power by 45% and increase its Defense and attack by 35% each" Iri replied.

"THAT'S BROKEN" Ash replied, Iri could only laugh at the Challengers whining. 

"It's allowed, Even the Champion himself uses a Move similar to this" Iri replied.

"Alpha uses it, Seriously" Ash asked as the Woman chuckled and nodded.

(Iri's Voice in Fate Zero is sooooo Good. I love her Voice. Who watched Fate Zero should agree, or else)

"Yep" Iri replied. "Enough with the Chitchat, Aurorus, Use Ice Blizzard" Irio commanded as Aurorus roared and formed multiple Crystals of in the Air and shot them at Charizard.

"FLY & DODGE" Ash commanded the Fire Type flew up in the air, barely missing Aurorus's Wrath.

"No Problem, Shoot it down with Hail" Iri commanded as Arorus called out its neam, with it's voice booming. 

The WInd picked up as snow started falling down from the Air along with wind, like a storm. Charizard was forced to land on the Ground at the Pressure of the Wind.

"Charizard, Melt the Snow away with Crismon Hell Fire" Ash commanded as Charizard roared and smashed it's fists into the Ground, making Crimson coloured Flame come out of the Ground, Straight from the Realm of Hell, or that's what Aura Guardians call it.

"Give it your Best Shot" Iri said while folding her arms, with her signature smile on.

The Hell Fire Blast Hit Charizard Head-on. A Dust cloud formed around the Ice Type as Charizard smirked,

The Training Paid off.

The Dust Cloud cleared and much to his horror, A Barrier was formed around Aurorus.

"Didn't I say it, Boost increases a Pokemon's Ice Power, Attack & Defense? That's a defence move" Iri said, Ash's jaw tightened.

"That's literally Broken" Ash protested, much to the Gym Leader's Laughter. 

"No it's not, Man Up Guy" Iri shot back, with a smirk dancing on her Lips.

"CHARIZARD, RUSH IN WITH HELL FIRE" Ash commanded as Charizard got covered in Red Flame Energy.

Oh, This is gonna be one hell of a ride alright.

Approx 50 Minutes Later

"Aurorus is no longer able to battle, Score is 1-3. Gym Leader please choose your 2nd Pokemon" The Drone announced as the Reshiram on Ash's side roared.

He was down my 2 Pokemon, A Charizard, A Latias.

"You did Well, return" Iri returned her pokemon while priasing it for its great work. 

"Now, For my 2nd one. Go" Iri released her 2nd Pokemon. The Pokeball opened as the Pokemon appeared.

It was a large, blue Pokemon composed of solid ice. Its body is comprised of angular crystal-like shapes and its face has an unusual pattern consisting of seven yellow dots in a "+" formation. It has four spikes on its back and its two legs are conical and it balances its entire body on their points. There are three fingers on each of its pentagonal arms.

 There are three fingers on each of its pentagonal arms

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"Reg" Regice said as all its Yellow Dots shined. 

"Holy" Ash said.

"RegIce, Use Lock-On" Iri commanded as Reg Ice's Yellow Dots glowed. 

"Oh No" Ash mumbled in horror. 

"Now go ahead and use Blizzard"  Iri commanded as Red Ice-

ANHIALATED Reshiram in a Single Blow.

"Reshi.........ram" Ash gasped out at his Fallen Pokemon. 

"Even with all the Training with Alpha's Pokemon. They still lost?" Ash thought in despair.

"Trainer Ash. Please choose your 4th Pokemon" The Drone said. 

"NO HOLDING BACK. YVELTAL, OBLIVION WING" Ash screamed as he released the pokemon of Death.

Approx 2 hours

Ash's Lugia was barely standing as RegIce panted on the Floor.


Both the Legendaries fell down on the Floor with swirls in their Eyes.

"As Expected" Iri said as she retreated her Pokemon. Ash recalled his Lugia and took out another Pokeball.

"WATCH OUT CUZ I GOT MY BEST POKEMON FOR THE LAST. GO GROUDON" Ash released The Member of the Weather Trio.

"You are not the Only One" Iri said as she took out her Own Customized Pokeball. "Out of your Ball" Iri commanded and released the pokemon Outisde.

It was a Pokemon with it's main body having lavender colouration with a black marking covering its chest. Its feet are black with lavender talons. The three feathers of its crest, which are longer, fused, and folded to the back, have the same purple colour as its beak and tail. Its eyes glow light blue, appear to be mostly closed and are surrounded by a black, mask-like facial disc. 

"Articuno??????" Ash questioned as he looked at the Pokemon which looked very similar to an Articuno but very different.

"Articuno??????" Ash questioned as he looked at the Pokemon which looked very similar to an Articuno but very different

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"That's a Sevestarian Articuno" Iri replied.

"GRIOUDON PRECIPICE BLADES" Ash commanded, trying to make Articuno Faint. 

"Oh, But before that Freezing Glare" Iri commanded as Articuno's eyes shined Purple and it shot 2 Purple Coloured Beam at Groudon through its Eyes.

Groudon was frozen in Place. 

"Dive in with Air Crash" Iri commanded as Articuno launched itself at Groudon and landed a Major strike on its head.

"Raaaaaaarrrrr" Groudon grunted in Pain, while still being Paralyzed by the Signature Move of The Sevestarian Articuno.

Iri smirked, rather evilly.

"You are not gonna like this alright"

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