Chapter 187

379 9 23

7:07 Pm

"And now, let us give this Year's League Winner a Big Round of Applause Please" The Announcer said as everybody gave the Champion of Kanto a Round of Applause.

He could only scratch his head in embarrassment as he saw the Champion approaching with a trophy. 

"Congrats....... ig" Alpha whispered the Final Part as he handed Ash the Trophy. The Supreme Four stood a couple of metres away from the Champion.

Ash held the Trophy and was about to take it until Sprizen took over. His Eyes turned Crimson Red as he glared into the Champion's Clear Blue Eyes.

Alpha's lips curved into a smirk as his Eyes turned Cosmic Black, showing many Galaxies in them.

"HOW DARE HE GLARE AT THE GREAT SPRIZEN" Sprizen screamed in Anger inside Ash's Mind. 

"Weakling" He heard a small voice inside his head.

Ash took the Trophy and held it in his hand.

"You plan on going for the Supreme Four?" The Boy asked with a raised brow as the Champion of Kanto smirked.

"I am going for your Title as Champion, Mr Arcadia" Ash declared. Alpha yet again smiled ever so innocently that it might make Arceus crap its Pants. 

"IN YOUR WET DREAMS" Somebody from the Audience screamed.

"I would Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to see you try. Mr Ketchum" Alpha replied like an Over-Cocky Bastard. 

At that Moment, Supra got a Ping which was heard by the Entire Crowd in the base level of the Stadium. 

"Huh?" He questioned as he looked at the Holographic Screen in front of him. He sighed and dismissed the screen "Guess it's time for me to go" He said as he looked at Alpha who nodded slightly.

A Yellow Beam of Light fell on the Strongest Supreme Four Member as he read Alpha's Lips. 

" them. Gotcha" Supra winked as he launched up in the Sky.

"There you have it Folks. The Declaration of War. Let us see who will win the War. Will it be the Champion of Kanto with one of the Highest Winning Streaks in the Entire World OR THE UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF SEVESTARRRRRRRRRR" The Announcer screamed as many Bombs blasted in the Stadium, covering it with Confetti.

In a Far Away Galaxy

Supra appeared a Void of Darkness where Blasts were continuously happening. He noticed many people wearing White Suits battling many Big Monsters. 

Mostly Franers.

"Electric Crash" Somebody yelled as a String of White Electricity hit a Franer, destroying it

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"Electric Crash" Somebody yelled as a String of White Electricity hit a Franer, destroying it.

"I guess I am late" Supra sighed as he rubbed his Temples. He is doomed alright. She is gonna give him one hell of a Scolding.

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