Worst. Advice. Ever. (New Feelings Pt. 2)

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Janet POV
"Hey, I need your help." I told Addie as I plopped down to the seat beside her.

I was glad to be away from Fang, Edgar and Leon for a while—I needed time to organise my thoughts and feelings.

"What is it?" Addie questioned as she clicked her RoboPlanner furiously, as if she was typing on a keyboard.

I quickly explained about what happened yesterday and my new crush on Fang. With each word, Addie's jaw hung lower and lower until it looked like it was no longer connected to her face.

"Told you you would get a crush on Fang! He's so handsome...what I wouldn't give to date him just once..." Addie murmured softly.

It took all of my willpower not to agree. "Uh, hello?" I said, waving my hands to get her attention. "I need to do something! Sooner or later, Fang is gonna find out!"

"Well, here's some tips. Last time, Fang was my neighbour and that was when I developed my huge crush on him. So, firstly, try not to say too much to him, and then when you do have to, keep it casual. Never stray near the topic of romance or dating." Addie suggested.

"Ok, thanks..." I mumbled as I ran over these points in my head, taking small bites of my food.

Fang POV
The starry universe canvassing the room usually gave me a huge surprise, but today I was too distracted by something else. As I grabbed some random food from the buffet at the AstraCafe and then opened the door to the room that Leon, Edgar and I had booked, all I was thinking about was Janet's behaviour yesterday.

"Guys?" I asked Leon and Edgar as they too set their food down on their table. "I need to ask you something."

"Yeah, go ahead." Leon prompted. "What is it?"

"Well, yesterday Janet was acting very strangely. The moment we closed the door to our room, she dashed into the bathroom and when she came out, she immediately closed the curtains and glass door between our beds. I have a feeling she's mad at me. What do you think I did?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm not sure...maybe you should ask her! She would obviously know best." Edgar suggested.

"Okay..." I agreed slowly. I then whipped out my phone and texted Janet, "Are you free later?"

"Well...what time?" Janet responded.

I checked my schedule and realised it was packed until 1700. "Well, can we meet in our room? Around 1705?"

After a long pause, Janet replied, "Okay..." and went offline.

Seeing that my next session was coming up soon, I quickly ate my food and told the guys about how she had responded.

Janet POV
"Oh, no!" I muttered. "Fang wants to see me later at 1705! I bet he found out about my crush already...I'm going to die of embarrassment..."

Addie calmed me down, "Maybe he wants to tell you something else. Oh! Maybe he wants to confess his feelings for you!"

I snorted. "Yeah, right. That will never happen."

Addie winked and told me, "We just have to wait and see, don't we?"

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