Unleash (Again? Pt. 2)

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Fang POV
"Unleash the forces!" I roared to my teammates. A water-rope was conjured into Hydro's hand. Sunken Chest was ready for the blow, slamming millions of golden rays together to fight it. But what he didn't expect was Teleto's powers.

" Quadruple Voyage!" Teleto shouted as the rays soared towards Hydro's hydro-ropes. The floor opened below us and we suddenly reappeared behind Sunken Chest. The rope flew into another portal and grabbed Sunken Chest from the side just as I unleashed my deadly boomerang on the villain. Instantly paralysed, Sunken Chest froze on the spot and his black diamond was snagged by my boomerang. I dropped it into a portal in front of us, causing the diamond to fall from a high height in the sky and knock Diam unconscious. Just on time, too, as Moonshot had detransformed.

"Pulse Field, Everblaze, combine!" Psionio and Pyral called in unison as they slammed their hands together. A flaming red force field appeared around the giant gorilla and the black diamond, burning them to ashes.

We waited for an avinia to float out, but nothing did. And there was no letter that appeared in the sky.

"Balance..." I said, completely dumbstruck.

What had happened to the avinia? Where was it? And where was the letter that was supposed to appear?

Minutes later...
I knocked on Byron's office door lightly, surprised when a telescope phased out of the door. "Come in!" The familiar voice called.

"Master, today, when we fought Sunken Chest—" Gimmi began.

"Again? Haven't you already fought him before?" Byron asked in confusion.

"Yes, we have!" I interjected. "As Gimmi was saying, when we defeated him and his gorilla—"

"He has a gorilla, too?" Byron exclaimed.

"Yes, it seems to be a Vika," Janet responded.

"When we defeated both of them, no avinia, nor a letter, appeared in the sky!" Leon finished for me.

"WHAT!?" Byron shouted, shocked. "So, let me get this straight. For no reason, Lodestar reaviniatized a villain that you have defeated before, and did so without an avinia, not leaving any trail at all?"

"Yes, that about sums it up," Jessie agreed.

"I need to check the Kyroire..."Byron murmured.

"Exactly why we are here!" Edgar finished.

Byron quickly flipped the Kyroire to the chapter about Vinjo. None of the pages said anything about reaviniatization, until....

"Page 324. Reaviniatization." Colette whispered.

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