Trail (Last Chance Pt. 2)

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Fang POV
"I'm going to need the help of all of you," Voyager told us. "This time-distrupting villain is too dangerous. Your seven Kyras, plus Multio and Second will help us deal with this person!"

A wink of her eyes told us what she wanted to do as we said in unison, "Gimmi, Evex, Marco, Tokki, Gorog, Trix, Jaek-o, Multio, Second, unify!"

"Sovereign is back!" we cheered as the bright light faded to reveal us with a multi-coloured suit.

"Wormhole!" Voyager commanded, waving goodbye to Bibi as she added, "Don't be worried, Bibi. Your turn will come soon."

The last we saw was Bibi's grin before blue light flashed, thunder clapped and the white void brought us into a giant ocean-blue cave with millions of holes.

"Whoa!" Hydro gasped. "Every place in the world can be accessed from this Wormhole thing?"

"Yes," Voyager answered, eliciting a number of gasps from us as she told us, "No time to explore. Do you see those flashing-red gateways? That means that someone has disturbed the flow of time in those areas."

We glanced around, registering at least three dozen of those red voids that Voyager mentioned. "The problem is, I don't know which one the villain is in," Voyager explained, "So I have to tell you about this power that you'll manifest in the future, Moonshot."

Moonshot's eyes widened in shock as he asked, "I still have more powers?"

"Yes," Voyager responded flatly, "your control of darkness allows you to sense the dark energy of avinias. So focus on the darkness around you, and where you find the darkest, purest energy, that's where it will be."

Edgar POV
I registered each of Voyager's words carefully, letting my mind go blank and studying the dark void of nothingness that showed as a result. And soon a maze of black walls began to glow around the edge of my vision, tracking down three black spots of darkness in front of me. When I opened my eyes, a dark trail had snaked towards three of the voids.

"Incredible!" I breathed as I examined the dark threads. Two of which lead to white voids, which had to hold some non-time-controlling villain. But the last spiralled into the heart of a portal that glimmered with red—which had to be where the villain was hiding.

We sped along the trail, a red flash temporarily whiting out the world as we jumped through the void. But the events on the other side were much worse.

"What's happened here?" Psionio was the first to voice what we had all been thinking. We had re-emerged in one of Brawltopia's lush courtyards, and the area was a familiar one—except that it had been enveloped in ice, which crackled under our feet. Flames raged behind us, like a never-ending inferno, and the vegetation snaked around our limbs, as if they were trying to attack us. Lastly, the howling wind was deafening, almost blocking out the sound of cackling.

As I watched the natural elements rage at the land, pieces clicked in my mind. "Unleasher," I growled.

We sped along the trail again, halting where it turned a sharp corner. Beyond that, white force fields glowed everywhere, and a familiar voice was speaking.

"Unleasher's gone back to the day we fought Protector!" I realised. We skidded around the edge, snarling when we saw ourselves trapped in multiple force fields, with Protector smashing against an icy dome that had encaged him.

"I don't get it," Aerial murmured, confused. "Where's this Unleasher person?"

For a minute, there was no response except the shocked gasps of our past selves, as well as the shock that had been etched across Protector's face. Then a chilly breeze whirled around us as a dark shape suddenly materialised, causing us to leap into a battle stance.

"Hello, heroes," Unleasher cackled. "How nice to see you again—and maybe for the last time!"

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