A Dish Best Served GOLD (Beginnings Pt. 4)

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Fang POV
It was a normal school day and Janet and I were strolling through the hall. Word had spread of the Kyras floating behind us and every student in the hall watched us in awe and respect. The attention-seeking Gimmi waved to everyone he passed and was met with awestruck greetings.

Little did we know that a new enemy would soon rise from the darkness.

??? POV
In a dark basement hidden below the school, a notorious villain stood shrouded in darkness. Puffing the dust away from every corner, he slammed his staff against the ground. Twenty-six avinias floated out of the purple gemstone at its top, circling around the now brightened room. He listened for negative emotions, smiling when he finally detected one.

"Fly away, my beautiful avinia, and transform this angry soul!"

The room filled with the sound of fluttering wings as the glowing avinia floated out of the rooftop. Vinjo stared nervously at it, sending out a silent prayer for his friends to have found heroes to help. Or else, the world was doomed.

Edgar POV
I was in the bookshop when I noticed the owner, Griff, arguing with a customer. Attempting to pull a bank note from the customer, he shouted, "I dropped this! Stop stealing my money!"

"No, it's mine!" the customer snarled. "Give. It. Back!"

"Maybe I should help!" I told Evex. But before I could do anything, an opalescent, glowing butterfly entered from the window.

"Oh no! An avinia! The thing that Gimmi warned us about!" I cried.

Suddenly, a golden aura appeared around Griff's face. A voice rang out, "Sunken Chest, I am Lodestar. I sense your anger and I understand it. Revenge is a dish best served GOLD! Therefore, I am giving you the power to recruit servants to help you obtain money—and if they resist, you will turn them to gold!"

"Yes, Lodestar. Thank you for these powers." Griff snarled evilly before a golden aura enveloped his body.

"Get to the bookshop quick! Our first villain has transformed!!!" I texted the others worriedly. Then, I cried, "Evex, dark aura, rise!" Inky darkness overwhelmed me. Shimmer by shimmer, I became the deadly Moonshot.

Meanwhile Sunken Chest had already transformed. He was a furious foe who held a collection of black diamonds in his hand. Each time he shot a black ray from it, it transformed something to gold, which Sunken Chest then consumed. Its eyes burned with red-hot rage. Suddenly, a golden arrow shot from Sunken Chest's other hand, piercing the rude customer in the chest. His eyes then glimmered gold and he bowed to Sunken Chest, murmuring, "At your service, Master!"

A black diamond instantly appeared in his hand, allowing him to start turning things into gold. "Enough!" I thought.

Stepping out of my hiding place, I shouted, "Sunken Chest, stop this, or I will make you pay!"

"Never!" the villain replied. Transforming the door to gold, he made a quick escape and left the customer to deal with me. The controlled person immediately unleashed a storm of gold rays, which I barely dodged. It was time to use my special power.

"Nightsand!" I shouted victoriously. Blackness immediately dawned on my enemy, causing him to fall to his knees. Grabbing the black diamond, I crushed it to pieces and watched as the gold light inside it faded out. I immediately released my hold on him, and his eyes returned to their normal colour. "Thanks, Edgar!"  he called as his left.

Now, I had to recharge Evex's energy. Luckily, I saw a macaroon nearby. Feeding it to him, I waited for him to recharge before I transformed back into Moonshot. Leaping away, I yelled, "Let's find Sunken Chest!"

(written 6 Dec, edited 30 Dec)

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