Malfunctions (Evolution Pt. 16)

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Fang POV
"Whoa...what did you do?" I asked Moonshot, still in disbelief.

"I have absolutely no idea," Moonshot admitted, looking fazed. "Her powers all suddenly screwed up because of my Oblivion a...a...what's the word?"

Hydro snapped her fingers, conjuring a giant sphere of water as she responded, "A malfunction?"

"Yes, exactly," Moonshot agreed. "We'll find out more later. First, let's deal with Victoria."

"What is happening?" Victoria screamed as random objects appeared out of nowhere, her arm blinked here and there, flames erupted everywhere and were gone the next second; in short, it was chaos, now in full, devastating colour.

"Oh no..." Moonshot murmured. "It's worn off!"

Sure enough, Victoria's powers were back to normal and she regained her composure, growling, "You may have freed yourselves, but I'll still win!"

"We don't have much time left," I told everyone, reminding them that we had only one or two minutes before we detransformed.

"Well, let's make this quick," Aerial answered. "What's the plan?"

I glanced around, noticing some objects that were supposedly going to be part of my plan. Aerial, Pyral, Hydro, Psionio, Golden Dragon, my grenade and a...

"I need a camera!" I realised.

Teleto blinked away, reappearing with a camera two seconds later. I thanked him and told Voyager, Teleto and Moosnhot, "Cover us for a while. Aerial, do your thing!"

As Aerial took hold of the camera and Voyager and Teleto teleported everywhere, charging towards Victoria with their raised swords, I whispered the rest of the plan to everyone else.

"Done!" A hundred versions of Aerial called, raising their cameras.

"Okay...action!" I signalled.

Voyager, Teleto and Moonshot retreated as the rest of us charged, sending Victoria into a frenzy. She summoned thousands of Fulmination Bolts, but Psionio had already covered us with our individual force fields. And as the Aerials acted as our human shield, distracting Victoria with multiple camera flashes, Victoria snarled and she scrunched her brow in concentration, trying to break through them, but mostly to no avail. A number of Aerials were stuck and frozen, but it didn't matter.

"Hydrokinesis, Cocoon!" Hydro commanded, encasing the shrieking Victoria in a tight cocoon. I immediately activated the countdown on my grenade, hurling it towards the stifled Victoria. She screamed and struggled, but the water-cocoon was just too powerful. And now it was Pyral's turn.

"Destruction!" Pyral shot the black ray at the grenade just as Psionio summoned all her force fields and pooled it around Victoria. The force field kept out most of the flying debris and dust, and when it all settled, Victoria was gone, only gray matter left. The avinia swirled towards Pyral as I activated my power to repair the damage.

"Huh? What am I doing in the Cryocross Gardens?" A student I had never seen before got up from the ground.

"You were aviniatized," I explained as I recharged Gimmi. "Creation, Magical Charm!"

"Here," I told her. "This will protect you from your negative emotions, and allow you to live a more positive life."

"Thank you," the student said, pressing it to her heart. "Bye!"

"A K," Psionio noted as the yellow apparition in the sky faded away. "So, we've got The Caves of Black. That narrows down the possibilities significantly."

"Get ready, Lodestar and Vikana," Voyager murmured as she sheathed her sword. "Because your defeat will come soon."

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