Combination (Migration Pt. 1)

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Fang POV
It had been a week since Summoner was defeated, and no reaviniatized villains had shown up. Evex had finally recovered after drinking what he called, "The most revolting potion ever" for seven days straight.

The six of us and the Kyras were in the room Janet and I shared, researching for possible places that Lodestar could be hiding. After Summoner's defeat, a shining "C" had materialised in the air, so what we had thus far was, "The C".

Jessie, with her technology skills, manage to generate a whole lot of places that started with those letters. But there were too many to narrow down. "The Carispaella...The Cat Cloud...The Cat Clock...The Cat's Drinkers......ugh, this is hopeless! There are way too many places starting with those letters." she declared in frustration.

"We need more time to narrow it down..." I lamented.

"It's going to take forever at the rate that Lodestar uses his avinias," Edgar warned. "More time than we can possibly have."

"We need to find a way to stop these reaviniatizations quickly!" I said, cracking my knuckles with determination.

And so another week flew past, with two exams, a lot of homework and multiple reaviniatizations. Until a new villain finally showed up.

Janet POV
That Tuesday, during lunch, my friends and I were eating at the FieldCafe, near the archery range in our school. My friends were chattering on and on about Fang and Edgar's superhero costumes, completely wowed by them. Slightly bored by their conversations, I looked out of the clear walls of the cafe, noticing the two students nearest to me arguing furiously.

The boy teased the blonde girl, "You're so bad at this—you missed the target completely three times in a row! Even a beginner can do better than you!"

Piper snarled angrily and shot an arrow at the target yet again. But her anger just seemed to throw her concentration off, causing the arrow to soar far above the target.

The boy beside her broke out in laughter, jeering at her as he shot three bullseyes in a row. This seems to trigger the poor victim even more, leading to her stomping away and shouting, "Go to hell, Kim!"

Kim just seemed to laugh even harder, responding, "It's not my fault that you suck, Piper!"

Oh no...Piper is going to get aviniatized! I thought as I randomly rattled off some excuses to my friends that I needed to leave.

Too late. Piper had fallen to her knees as an avinia fluttered into her umbrella-gun. I could only watch as Lodestar began to speak.

Penny POV
"Homer, I am Lodestar. Your enemy made fun of you because you can't seem to focus? Well, you'll show him that you are the best archer ever! I am now giving you the power of Perfection, allowing you to always home in on enemies and never miss a shot. Each of your arrows will cause your opponent's skills to go haywire upon impact. In addition to that, you will receive a Vika, Petrifico, to help you in your mission!" The villain standing in front of me laughed.

Minutes ago...
"Penny, are you ready?" Lodestar asked me as I coughed loudly while trying to transform. "It seems like using Lyrii is weakening you further."

"It's okay," I wheezed. 'I'll manage."

After a brief moment, I straightened and shouted, "Lyrii, eagle's eye!" Dark blue flew down my body, dotting it with feathers everywhere among the rest of the light-midnight suit. As a dark fan appeared in my hands, my shoes morphed into tall black boots, lined with hints of green and blue. Finally, my transformation was complete.

"I'm feeling a strong anger and annoyance coming from our dear Piper!" Lodestar cackled. "Vikana, it's your turn!"

I slowly pulled a golden talon out of the fan, followed by Lodestar who opened the top of his staff to let an avinia fly out. "Merge!" I commanded, smiling as the two slammed together with an explosion of sparks, talon-like patterns spreading across the butterfly's body.

"Fly away, avinia, and help this poor soul!" Lodestar laughed.

A/N 4
In case you haven't figured out yet, this mysterious person's point of view actually belonged to Penny! With the secret Lyrii and Vikana, what shall happen next as the story progresses?
(edited 30 Dec, written on 27 Dec)

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