Supression (Transmission Pt. 2)

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Fang POV
"Stop right there!" a dark voice whispered. Everyone spun around in confusion, trying to locate the person who had spoken. But he was everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"Come out, coward!" yelled Teleto, who had already teleported to the top of the nearby building. "Show yourself!"

"Oh yeah. That reminds me...Gimmi, bring the storm!" I whispered as I ducked behind a pillar.

By the time I had leaped onto the roof, Pyral already had flames hovering above her hands.

Gathering a sphere of lightning, I challenged, "Show yourself, you coward!"

"If I must," the voice answered from everywhere.

In the middle of the crowd of the students, a tall shape morphed into view. Beside it, a dark purple figure loomed.

The hundreds of students raced towards the gates, with the teachers escorting them out quickly. But they were too late.

"No one goes anywhere without my permission!" the villain's voice echoed weirdly. "Ephemeral, I command you to stop them!"

The purple shape pressed his chest, and a hundred arrows appeared on it. Grabbing one of the purple arrows, he hurled it towards the gates, which slammed closed in less than a second.

"Stop this madness, you villain!" Hydro snarled, blasting a tidal wave at the mysterious figure.

"I am Silencer," he answered calmly, "and save your energy, because your blows cannot harm me."

"So sure about that?" Pyral hurled a giant sphere of flames at him. But Silencer's expression remained just as calm, as if the sphere flying towards him was made of rubber and not flames. And in seconds, we found out why.

Silencer snapped his fingers, dissolving into a howling wind. "I told you, you will not defeat me!" Silencer's voice blasted us backwards. "Ephemeral, take care of them!"

Ephemeral flew towards us, tossing his arrows at us. They were blasted away uselessly, thrown off course by our attacks. Ephemeral suddenly slammed an arrow against himself. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, he started to move at lightning speed, tossing arrows so fast that we could barely fight back.

"I've got it," I struggled out while battling the frenzied villain, "His arrows speed up the process of time."

Teleto warned us, "My Second Chance expires soon, so there isn't much room for mistakes."

"I've got an idea," Janet told us. "Astro, try to get struck by one of his arrows. If anything goes wrong, Teleto, use your Second Chance. Everyone, ready? Go!"

I charged forward, struck by an arrow. "Whoa!" I shouted as a giant fizz whipped through my body, charging it with energy. "Get ready, guys! Try not to get hit."

"Fulmination Bolt!" I screamed an ear-piercing shriek, so loud that even Silencer flailed to cover his ears. Silencer was battling Moonshot and Psionio at the same time, firing odd purple bolts.

Ephemeral looked scared by what had just happened, conjuring a thousand arrows that soared through the air towards me. But they bounced off me uselessly, only adding to my energy. The giant boomerang appeared in my hands, whizzing around so fast it became a blur. Everyone watched in shock as the golden blur spun so fast it looked like a shooting star. There was a thud as it slammed into Ephemeral, paralysing him instantly.

"Pulse Field!" Psionio trapped the villain under force field, trapping him until Silencer was defeated.

"NO!" Silencer screamed crazily. "How dare you!"

A thousand bolts soared towards us, slamming against us.

"Hey!" I tried to say, but I found that I couldn't say a thing.

"Looking for this?" Silencer taunted in a familiar voice.


Teleto teleported us to his room, writing down on a paper, I've lost my voice!

Hydro offered a head shake that seemed to say, We know!

You don't know the consequences, Teleto continued.

What? Psionio returned.

Without my voice, I can't call up my Second Chance, Rewind or even retransform! Teleto wrote.

What does that mean? Pyral asked in dread.

Before Teleto finished, I already knew.

It means that we only have one chance to defeat Silencer, I finished.

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