AU When We Were Young

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Answer: Paperback for normal, Hardback for the books that I know I'll read again and again or the ones that I cherish. Also, hardback usually comes out first so if I don't want to wait I get the hardback. But, you're all right they can definitely hurt the bank more than paperback.

A/N FYI this is about how Magnus and Alec met in the darker multipart that was Malec and I'm changing it over to a full book. It's going to be called Glitter and Hate. What do you think of that title?

"Alec, you're grounded. Go to your room." Alec's mom pointed at the stairs and he wanted to argue, but he knew it was pointless. Instead, he nodded his head and walked up the stairs to his room. Once the front door closed Alec waited for his mom to come to his room.

"Alec?" She asked and knocked.

"Come in." He said. He was sitting on his desk chair spinning, so he stopped and looked at the door.

"Son, what happened? I know you wouldn't have hit that boy without a good reason."  She said and ruffled his hair. For a nine-year-old, he was much too old. 

"It doesn't matter. I shouldn't have done it." Alec said and gave her a serious look. What he really meant was that he shouldn't have gotten caught. 

"Please tell me."  She took a seat on the edge of his bed.

"Raj was being a jerk."

"Alec," He mom scolded and raised an eyebrow at him. Then she motioned for him to continue.

"Well, he was bullying this new boy and I know that he doesn't really mean it. Like, he says sh-crap to me all the time and pushes me around but I don't care. It was different with this other kid. Raj was being a total di-jerk to him. He even ripped the boy's notebook in half and it was full of these great drawings. Mom, I just couldn't let it continue. People were starting to laugh at him. That's not okay. It's never okay." Alec shook his head angrily.

"Oh, Alec, you are too good for this place." His mom touched his chin and lifted his face so he'd look at her. "Never lose that part of you, but please refrain from beating up the principal's son in front of him." She smiled.

"Next time, I'll drag him into the bathroom real quick."

"That's my boy." She kissed his head and got up. "You do understand that you're still grounded because you did get suspended for the rest of the week, right?"

"Yeah, it's fair, but can I still go to Magnus's house today? He invited me over as a thank you for helping him out." Alec gave his mom his sweetest smile.

"Just be home before 7, your father won't understand what happened." She winked.

"Thanks, Mom."

"I'm proud of you, son." She left his room and he grabbed his backpack. 

He opened his window and dropped down the rope ladder that he had made and installed last month. It made leaving the house so much more fun. He climbed down and pulled on the string so that it would roll back up and then pulled the rope to close his window. He tied them tight and locked them into a box so that no one else could use it.

"Alec, don't forget! Before 7!" His mom called out from the open kitchen window.

"I'll be back at 6:30!" Alec waved and tripped over a bush. "Shit!"

"Language!" His mom called out with laughter in her voice.

"Sorry!" Alec untangled himself from the prickly bush and jogged to where he and Magnus were meeting. He saw the turquoise backpack from a block away and smiled.

"Alexander," Magnus smiled.

"Oh, it's just Alec." Alec smiled back.

"Ah, okay. Do you want to go to the arcade?" Magnus asked. He had worried that Alec wasn't going to come so he hadn't actually thought of what they could do. His mom told him that from the sounds of it Alec was already his friend but Magnus just wasn't sure. 

"I have a better idea." Alec looked around stepped closer. He cupped his hand around Magnus's ear and lowered his voice. "I have a secret hideout."

"Really? Cool!" Magnus said excitedly. 

"Shh," Alec touched his finger against Magnus's lip and looked around again. "It's a complete secret, not a single soul knows about except me."

"But, you're telling me?" Magnus was shocked.

"Of course, I know that we're going to be friends forever. And what's the point of having a secret hideout if you're alone?" Alec wiggled his eyebrows and motioned for Magnus to follow him. 

He started running to the old mines and Magnus followed close behind. When they got to the fence Magnus simply climbed over without a single glance at all of the keep out signs. 

"How did you do that so fast?" Alec asked him from the other side.

"I like climbing." Magnus shrugged.

"Well, I don't." Alec went down on his stomach and army crawled under the fence. 

"But look, you got dirt all over you." Magnus brushed at the dirt on Alec's chest.

"It's better than falling off the fence. It happened the first couple of times and let me tell you, it did not feel great." Alec blushed. 

"Did you try not falling?" Magnus teased and Alec shook his head.

"Jerk." Alec laughed and picked up his backpack that he had thrown over the fence.

It only took another ten minutes to get to the small cave to the side of the actual mine, but when they got there the boys were acting like lifelong friends. 

Question: How did you meet your current best friend?

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