6. Someone Dies in This One

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"I'm glad you're okay." Magnus stood over the bed making sure to not get too close.

"Thank you." Alec whispered without looking at him.

"I did nothing." Magnus frowned. "I didn't even see who it was."

Alec, for once, didn't think. He just acted. He grabbed Magnus's hand and looked right at him. "You saved my life."

"I simply moved you out of the way." Magnus's heart raced from the simple touch of Alec's rough hand. He was a man who wasn't afraid of hard work.

"You could have been hurt." Alec rubbed his thumb over the bandage on Magnus's hand.

"You're right. I should be in the bed, not you." Magnus chuckled.

"Seriously." Alec grinned then winced. "Shit, don't make me laugh."

"Sorry." Magnus reached forward like he had dreamed of doing, to push the loose hair out of Alec's face.

"I remember." Alec whispered so quietly that Magnus believed that he had imagined it until he continued. "The night we met."

"It's okay." Magnus could read the shame and embarrassment on Alec's face. "It's all but forgotten."

Alec furrowed his brow. "Oh, right. I get it. I'm no Jace."

"That you are not." Magnus frowned, if he were anything like Jace he wouldn't worry about hiding. That was one thing the blonde lunatic had going for himself, ego.

"I should have known." Alec shook his head and pulled his hand away. Of course the man he liked has already fallen for his partner.

"Wait," Magnus cocked an eyebrow. "I think we're talking about different things."

"You like Jace." Alec said.

Magnus burst into laughter. "Oh god no. I think I'm going to be sick. J-j-jace?" Magnus gagged a couple more times.

Alec looked confused.

"I'm into you Alexander. Since I first met you and even after you literally threw up on me. I like you,  Alexander Gideon Lightwood." Magnus winked.

"How do you know my middle name?" Alec asked.

"I bear my soul to you and that's all you have to say?" Magnus shook his head. "I'm a writer, I know how to research a subject whether it's for a story or for pleasure."

"And which am I?" Alec asked with a deep blush.

"Why can't you be both?" Magnus leaned in but stayed back waiting for Alec to decide of he wanted anymore. Magnus wanted to kiss him but he didn't want to disrespect Alec's choices. He clearly was closeted still.

Alec sat up and touched his lips to Magnus's.


"Shit!" Magnus saw the table and cords that he had knocked over. "Let me fix this and then I want to get back to you and your surprisingly soft lips."

Magnus sank to the floor and reached under the table when he heard the door open.

"You know, don't you?" A deep voice asked.

"Know what?" Alec asked.

"You found my trail."

Magnus crawled under the bed. Clearly the man thought Alec was alone. His heart was racing so fast he couldn't hear a thing. He peeked and saw Hodge, the captain.

"It's too late." Alec's voice was so calm. "They know everything. You shoot me and it changes nothing."

"I doubt you've told anyone. Jace let me take over watch. Clearly, you didn't tell him and he's the only friend you actually have."

"Then he knows you're here. Put the gun down. It's over." Alec said.

Magnus didn't think. He grabbed the captain's leg and pulled, hard. He fell to the ground, his head making a terrible crack8ng sound when it hit.

Jace rushed in right then because he had heard the gunshot. Magnus's blood was pumping. "He did it."

"Hodge is the killer." Alec agreed.

"Are you okay?" Jace asked as he took the gun from the captain's hand.

"Yes."Alec smiled at Magnus. "Guess you saved my life again."

"I have an idea of how you could make it up to me." Magnus winked and Jace, busy with the unconscious captain missed it.

"Give me a couple days." Alec smiled bigger.

"Of course." Magnus nodded.

"By the angel just kiss already out shut the hell up and help me." Jace groaned.

"If you insist." Magnus stepped over the gun.

Question: Family Christmas Malec one shot or just Malec?

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