Rome - Dermot Kennedy

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A/N The next set of one-shots will be connected to songs. I get most of my inspiration from songs anyway and most of you probably already know that. I hope you enjoy and please share a song that you love or one that you want to see Malec through. If I can I'll write you a short story for any song that you pick.

"Magnus?" Alec said so quietly that he wondered if he hadn't actually said it. He couldn't say or do anything else though. Magnus had his back to him and was already walking away. Alec felt his face get wet as the rain started falling like the pieces of his heart. He wanted to run after him but he stayed still. It was over; he knew it with every piece of his being. 

Alec stayed in the pouring rain for hours, watching the place that Magnus had been standing. He had paused for a second or maybe it had only been in Alec's mind. He couldn't be sure of anything. Finally, when he was soaked to his bones, he took the first step towards the institute. He wished more than anything that he could actually be walking home, but that was gone now. How was it possible to feel homeless when you had a roof, a bed, and people who loved you? He needed to talk, but the only person he wanted, no needed, to talk to had told him goodbye.

Magnus walked away from Alec, with tears in his eyes. He couldn't even hide his warlock's mark; he was too broken. He had told Alec that it was broken. It was, but he hoped that it was something they could fix. How was this a worse breakup than any other he had had before? Because he was the one.  Alec was the endgame for Magnus; he was the only being to ever seem to truly fit with Magnus. Alexander was pure, didn't have an agenda, and so willing to try things. But Magnus was too broken for someone with a heart so big. Magnus, couldn't stand the idea of watching Alec grow old, die, and leave him. And it was better to end it now, rather than get more attached. After today, it had hit him like a truck. Alec was perishable and Magnus was not. Love couldn't last between an oak tree and a dandelion. But, oh could that dandelion love better than any other oak tree in the world. Magnus laid on his couch and fell into his memories.

"Magnus?" Alec tapped Magnus's shoulder and Magnus felt a shot of electricity where their skin touched. Magnus was glad that he wasn't wearing a shirt. He had almost pulled on a robe when he answered the door. 

"Alexander." Magnus cocked his eyebrow and twitched his lip knowing that it would make Alec look at him closer. It would force Alec to look at the lips that they both knew he wanted to kiss. "To what do I owe this intrusion?"

"Oh, sorry." Alec rubbed his neck and took a step back. "You're obviously busy."

"Wait." Magnus grabbed Alec's arm to stop him from turning and quickly let go as the mousy boy jumped back from his touch. "Come in."

"You're not busy?" Alec saw a group of people in Magnus's house behind him.

"Never when it comes to you." Magnus turned and with a wave of his hand, the people disappeared. "I was just remembering one of the great parties I've had in my life."

"Oh." Alec stepped inside and was back to being closed off.

"It was the one where I first saw you." Magnus winked and held a drink out to Alec after materializing it in his hand. "Come. Sit. We'll talk."

"I don't want to talk." Alec blushed. "Sorry, it's been a long day. I just wanted to, I don't even know why I'm here."

"Why don't we go for a drive?" Magnus set his drink down and turned on his heel. "I'll be right back. You stay here and drink."

Magnus was back in a second with a shiny top on and car keys. 

Alec saw a car drive by as he was walking down the street and froze as he remembered his first night-drive with Magnus. 

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