Kitten Saviors

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This is an AU with Alec and Magnus being kids.

"Come on." Alec climbed up one tree branch higher as he tried to reach the kitten that had caught his attention an hour earlier on his way home from school. He had heard it crying, tried to ignore, and promptly climbed the rough tree trunk. His hands had scrapes and he knew his knee was going to start bleeding through his jeans soon. His parents were going to be so mad when he got home; he knew it. But, Alec was a kid and he believed that the world deserved to be given the little bit of love that he had to share. 

"Hey, idiot, what are you doing?" Jace, Alec's best friend called up to him. Alec looked down and suddenly was hit with a wave of nausea as he noticed that he was almost twenty feet in the air. 

"There's a kitten that's stuck," Alec yelled down to him. 

Jace rolled his eyes at his friend. "You need to be careful. If something happens to you your parents will be pissed." Jace was nine just like Alec, but he lived with a father who cared even less than Alec's parents seemed to. 

Alec wasn't sure what to say back so instead, he just went back to work, looking for the tiny, black furball above him. He heard rustling below him and glanced down, but to his surprise, the boy below him wasn't Jace.

"Your friend left." The boy said as he looked up at Alec with golden eyes.

"His dad would kill him if he got home late." Alec shrugged.

"Do you want help?" The boy asked as he gracefully and quickly scaled the tree with an ease Alec could only pray to have.

"Yes," Alec admitted, defeated. He just couldn't get high enough to capture the scared kitten. 

"His name is Chairman Meow." The boy laughed as he hopped to the branch where Alec was sitting.

"Oh," Alec nodded his head. "He's yours. I wasn't trying to steal him or anything. I just wanted to help him."

The boy giggled. "I just figured it might help if he had a name. I'm Magnus."

"Alec." Alec held his hand out to shake as his parents had taught him, but to his surprise, Magnus wrapped his arms around him. 

"I'll climb up to the next branch." Magnus jumped without fear of the thick, scratchy trunk and started to scale up even higher. "I'll drop him down to you and then we can put him into your backpack."

"You're a really good climber," Alec said as Magnus swung on the branch that the kitten was on and held with one hand as he grabbed the newly named kitten with his other hand. 

"Thanks," Magnus responded as he simply dropped the shaking kitten into Alec's outstretched arms. "Good catch." Magnus shimmied down and smiled at Alec who was cuddling the ball of fur that was still shaking from fear. 

"Can I hold him?" Magnus held his hand out and Alec stalled for a moment before passing him the sweet animal. "He's so soft!"

"Thank you for helping me." Alec was a tiny bit hurt that Jace hadn't helped him and a complete stranger had without question.

"Of course!" Magnus beamed at him. "What else are friends for?"

"Friends?" Alec had never actually made a friend. He mostly stuck to Jace who he had known his whole life or he spent time with his younger sister, Izzy. At school when he wasn't with one of them, he was by himself.

"I hope so," Magnus shrugged and grabbed onto Alec's backpack. "Turn around."

Alec was smiling brightly as he turned so Magnus could open his backpack. He carefully dropped the kitten inside and pulled his sweater off to wrap around the purring kitten before zipping it closed. The kitten instantly started to whine but both boys knew it was the only way they could get him down safely. 

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