The Simple Life

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Answer: I would travel to when this cold is over! haha I hate being sick! But really I think I'd like to go to the 1800s early 1900s. It would be interesting.

Ding dong. Ding dong.

"Magnus," Alex groaned and rubbed his boyfriend's chest that was currently his pillow. 

Magnus didn't move, not even the flutter of his eyes as the alarm continued getting louder. Alec hated this, and only this about Magnus. The man could not wake up! He could sleep through a world war and Alec was 90 percent positive that he had actually done just that. Alec rolled his eyes, kissed Magnus's chest, and then reached past him to grab the alarm clock. Alec yanked until the cord popped out of the wall but the alarm kept sounding. 

"Stupid clock. I don't even have to be up for another two hours yet here I am ripping the batteries out of you while the beautiful warlock sleeps like a freaking angel." Alec shook his head and finally broke the batteries loose. "Shit."

"Ah," Magnus complained and opened his eyes as the batteries bounced off his face. "What did you do to my clock?"

Alec gave him a guilty smile and set the now dead clock back down on the nightstand. "I won?"

"My hero." Magnus rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Alec. "How ever could I repay you?"

Alec smiled and laid back down with his head on Magnus' chest. "Never use the damn clock again?"

"But I needed to wake up." Magnus mumbled sleepily.

"In two hours." Alec's lightly bit Magnus playfully. "Two hours."

"Well yes, but I need multiple alarms." Magnus yawned.

"You're an ass." Alec kissed him then snuggled in closer. "Good night."

"Good morning, my love." Magnus whispered and fell back asleep.


"Magnus, now you really do need to get up." Alec shook Magnus not so gently as it was the fourth time in as many minutes that he had woken his boyfriend. "We're going to be late."

"Or we could call in sick." Magnus smiled up at Alec as he bent his arm behind his head to sit up a little.

"You know we can't." Alec bent over and kissed Magnus before standing back up. "This is your final wake up call. I'm going to head out." 

"Or I could just portal us both over there." Magnus offered with a groan as he threw his legs over the side of the bed. 

"We both know that's not a good idea." Alec frowned, but only slightly. "I'll see you in an hour or so. I have to run a couple of errands."

"Why do we know it's not a good idea?" Magnus asked as he stood up.

"Because my parents are here among other high profile people." Alec touched Magnus's arm. "I'm not embarrassed. I just need them to focus on the assignment rather than us."

"We are quite the couple. You as your brooding, handsome self and me, the glittery wonder. You're right. They can't handle that and discussing the turning weather." Magnus winked.

"The turning weather? Is that what we call mass demon attacks now?" Alec chuckled.

"I call you handsome and all you want to talk about is the weather?" Magnus pouted.

"You also called me brooding." Alec cocked an eyebrow.

"You know I love that about you." Magnus pulled on Alec's collar. 

"Yeah, sure." Alec looked away.

"See? You're brooding right now and I am thoroughly enjoying it." Magnus laughed.

"You're just lucky you're so good at bullshitting."

"There is that too." 

"See you soon?"

"Yeah, be safe." Magnus pulled Alec closer and gave him another kiss before letting him walk away. "Don't forget to pick up the donuts."

"Can't you do your thing and get them?"

"I prefer to make my man work for me." Magnus winked and stepped through a portal.

A/N Hope you guys liked this boring, daily life one shot. haha I have had a lot of requests for this type and it was fun to write. Want more like this?

Question: What mundane task would you like to see them doing?

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