For the Love!

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A/N Let's see if Wattpad will work for me! I hope you can see this. The past week it hasn't been posting or working. Also, if you are here and feel so inclined you should check out my oneshot, Under the Stars. It had Dyson and Caleb who are the Magnus and Alec character from the Glitter and Hate book I'm working on, well it's a version of what could happen between 

"Magnus Gideon Bane!" Alec hollered at the top of his lungs. "Get your ass in here right now!"

"You bellowed?" Magnus peeked into the room where Alec was sitting. 

"What the hell?" Alec looked up at his boyfriend from the floor where he was sitting cross-legged.

"What darling?" Magnus asked with a flutter of his eyelashes.

"You brought a dead thing into the apartment. You promised me that you'd stop." Alec rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Alexander, I have not brought a dead thing in here since like forever." Magnus twirled his finger in his hair that was probably a bit too long. 

"Bullsh-" Alec was cut off by a gruff hiss.

"Are either of you going to address the fact that Alec used his own nickname for you?" Simon asked from inside the room.

"Dead boy, shut it." Alec snapped.

Magnus's mouth formed a big 'O' shape. "Right. Simon is staying for the day."

"Disgusting," Alec said with serious sass. 

"I'm standing right here," Simon whined. 

"That's the problem." Alec glared at the vampire.

"Come on, you're just upset because I walked in on you practicing your speech for Magnus. But you shouldn't be. I loved it. He'll love it too. Love." Simon chuckled. "That's funny because that's what you were saying."

"Simon, I'm going to kill you!" Alec swiped his leg out causing Simon to fall on his face with a loud grunt. 

"Is that true?" Magnus asked with a twinkle in his eyes. 

"No," Alec shook his head and stood up. 

Magnus frowned. "I get it."

"Yeah, I mean he's already dead so I can't really kill him."

"Alexander." Magnus scolded. 

"Oh, did you mean about the love thing?"

"No shit Sherlock!" Simon rolled his eyes but was smart enough to jump out of Alec's reach. 


"Well, yeah. Obviously." Alec looked down. "Now, can we talk about the fact that Simon is still here? It's just wrong."

"Sorry Simon." Magnus waved his hand and Simon disappeared. "Now how about you tell me your little speech."

"Magnus, I love you, like a lot." Alec's face was red and Magnus motioned for him to continue. 

"Oh, that's it. Right." Magnus took Alec's hands in his own. "I love you too."

"Anyone home?" Jace's voice sounded from the front door. 

"For the love of all things holy get out!" Alec and Magnus yelled as one. 

"Geez," Jace turned. "It's like they don't even want us here." 

"They never do." Clary pointed out as they left the apartment. 

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Jace shrugged. "But I have no idea why."

"Do you think they call you Cockblock Jace for the hell of it?" Clary teased.

Question: What are you most excited to see in Season 3? 

We are so close!!!!!!!!!!!

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