Part 6 White Roses - Greyson Chance

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"What the fuck is going on?" Jace shouted as he walked into the apartment. "Get away from him!"

---One Hour Earlier---

Alec felt the bright flashes of consciousness breaking in through his calm, sleeping state. He tried with all his might to hold on to the dreams of him, happy with his husband and their son that they called blueberry for some reason. He mumbled as he tried to keep the images clear, but in seconds they were completely gone, leaving only a peaceful feeling. 

Alec's first thought was that he was dying of heat. It was light he had slept wrapped in a heated blanket. He tried to push it off but it wrapped tighter around him. Alec finally gave up and opened his eyes. It took him a couple of minutes to remember where he was. The sheets above him had fallen during the night and were all covering him. No wonder he was so hot. He kicked at the sheets and heard a yelp.

"Ow." Magnus's morning voice was raspy and Alec was sure he'd never heard a more attractive sound. "Could you at least have tried to say something before kicking me awake?"

"Sorry." Alec realized much later than he should have that the weight he was feeling was the man that he was talking to. Magnus was draped over him just like the sheets and blankets. His arm was tightly clung to his unclothed chest. How had Alec not noticed the feel of Magnus's smooth skin earlier? Magnus's hair was tickling Alec's nose, but he didn't want to move. If he moved the moment would be over and they'd have to go back to normal.

"Morning, pretty boy," Magnus lifted his face off Alec's muscular chest to smile up at him. 

"Uh," Alec, not really thinking, flung Magnus off him and jumped up. "Bye."

Alec bolted to the bathroom as Magnus rolled unceremoniously off the mattresses into the tv stand. He cursed a couple of times as he tried to get untangled. "You know, you could have just said that my breath smelled bad!" He called to Alec with a chuckle.

"You could have told me that you're even more attractive when you've just woken up," Alec mumbled to the mirror as he splashed more cold water onto his face. 

"What?" Magnus's voice was right outside the door.

"Breakfast?" Alec asked as he opened the door pretending to be composed even as rivulets of water ran down his face and chest. 

"Morning routine?" Magnus grabbed the hand towel in the bathroom and started to dry Alec off. Alec wiggled away and scurried to the kitchen.

"You have to let the water air dry," Alec declared even though they both knew this was no normal morning routine. 

"Of course," Magnus took pity on him and followed him to the kitchen. "I say you make us a delicious breakfast."

"And why do I have to make it?" Alec asked with a cocked eyebrow, already feeling more like himself, the save version.

"The fact that I won," Magnus smirked and Alec pouted. "Yes, we are still within the 24 hours and yes, I am holding you to every second."

"Fine." Alec was grumpy. Magnus slid up behind Alec and hugged him from behind. "Now, don't be grumpy my pet, you are much better looking when you're cooking. Now get to it." Magnus jumped back and gracefully took a seat on a barstool.

"You're lucky I li-" Alec froze. What was going on? They weren't a couple. They were never going to be a thing. Magnus was just messing with him and having his fun. "I like to cook."

"Oh really?" Magnus winked. "That's what you like?"

"Guess what our delicious meal will be?" Alec asked with a slight purr in his throat. Two could play at this game and this was one that he would win! 

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