16. Ah, So That Happened

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Hey, sorry. I'm going to try and read the books for the contest tonight. I accidentally got locked out of my account and I've been a bit busy.

Alec pulled away from Magnus and reality came crashing down. What in the hell had he just done?! He had kissed Magnus, yelled at his principal, and said he loved Magnus.

"Shit, shit, fuck, damn it, I need to move away and never see anyone from my life ever again." He thought as he started to speed walk to his room.

"Alec?" Magnus watched in confusion as Alec turned away from him and disappeared upstairs.

Magnus was still trying to process all of what happened so he should have been happy that Alec was giving him space but that was certainly not what it felt like. Alec was ashamed and regretted what he had done, Magnus knew it. And really could he blame him? Magnus was no catch and Alec clearly hadn't planned on being out anytime soon.

Magnus sank down to sit against the wall in the kitchen and dropped his head into his hands as his elbow rested on his knees. How could he have been so selffish? He should have just left and never come back. Now Alec's life was never going to be the same. You couldn't just come back from saying and doing such things without be changed.

Magnus knew what he had to do. With a sigh he got up and headed to the door. He stalled and stole a final glance towards the stairs wishing with all of his being that Alec would walk down them and tell him to stay but it didn't happen. He grabbed the door knob and turned it. He pulled the door open and felt his heart cracking along with the cracks of lights coming inside.

Then he was being shoved against the wall with such force that he first thought his father had come back. But, looking at the arm scrunching up the front of his shirt he knew who it was.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jace hissed at Magnus as he held him against the wall.

Magnus opened his mouth to respond but had no idea where to even start so instead he gave Jace a defiant look.

"Alec! Are you okay? Alec!" Jace called up the stairs.

"Jace?" Alec appeared at the top of the stairs. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you think? Saving you from this creep." Jace nodded his head towards magnus who was still shoved against the wall.

Alec ran down the stairs. "Jace, let him go. Magnus, are you okay?"

Jace looked like he wanted to argue but he, not so gently, let go of Magnus. "Have you lost your mind? Alec did you hit your head or is he threatening you?"

Magnus chuckled darkly. "Don't worry golden boy, if anything your boyfriend here is the one threatening people."

"Shut up." Jace held up his hand. "Alec explain yourself."

"Jace it's not what you think. Magnus-"

"Boys I'm here for our date night! I hope you're ready to talk all about that kiss I saw." Grandma Lightwood sauntered inside completely unaware of the tension.



"Kill me." Jace, Magnus, and Alec all spoke at the same time.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I gave you a little time because I saw a man here but I've clearly put my foot in it here." Grandma blushed. "Jace, honey how are you?"

"Please tell me you kissed alec." Jace said.

"Oh honey, if I were to kiss any boy it would be you." She pinched jace's cheek.

"Boys, I'll give you a little space. How about I run and get some dinner? Jace come help me." She gave Alec and Magnus an apologetic smile.

"No, Alec tell me what the hell is going on." Jace demanded.

"Did you just tell me no?" Grandma Lightwood grabbed him by his ear causing him to help in pain. "These boys need to talk and you need to cool off. Now will you walk out willingly or are you going to make an old lady drag you out like trash?"

Jace seemed to consider his options then went slack. "Fine. Alec we will talk and Magnus this is not over."

"Ow!" Jace yelped as grandma Lightwood twisted his ear slightly then let go.

"Behave." She demanded and then pushed him outside.

Question: What's your favorite pasta?

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