2. Found Girl

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"Do I like glitter?" Magnus laughed out loud.

"The guy practically is glitter." Alec ruffled the girl's hair. "Let him show you his glitter room and I'll get us some dinner."

"Okay, Da-Alec." The girl stumbled over her words but Alec and Magnus pretended they didn't notice.

"Come along, darling." Magnus wrapped his arm around her and hurried her down the hallway.

Alec watched them walking away while trying to figure out what was going on. The girl clearly had a connection with them but he had no idea what it was.

"Hey Izzy." Alec answered his phone on the first ring and stepped outside so he wouldn't  be overheard.

"Hey, but brother. How's the girl?" Izzy said with a smile in her voice along with worry and fear.

"She's extremely chatty. Magnus was right in bringing us here. There's something about her, though, I'm worried." Alec admitted.

"You should be." Izzy said point blank.

"What is it?" Alec asked as a chill ran up his spine.

"It's hard to explain. Why don't you come back to the institute?" Izzy urged him.

"Iz, what is it? Tell me." Alec demanded.

"There's something weird with her DNA. I need to run some more tests. Bring her in." Izzy said and Alec knew that she was pacing. He could hear her heels clicking against the wood floor.

"Did you tell him?" Jace's voice sounded over the phone.

"No." Izzy must have covered the receiver with her hand becuase their voices became too muffled for Alec to understand.

"Izzy?" Alec said.



"By the angel! Izzy!" Alec finally shouted.

"Damn, Alec, have some pateince." Jace declared. He must have taken the phone from Izzy.

"Hey, you're the ones that called me." Alec said with irritation in his voice.

"Yeah, well you're the one who didn't tell us you had a kid so I'm sorry if we were a bit distracted trying to cover up your mess." Jace said with venom dripping from his words.

Alec dropped the phone. Did he say kid? They thought he had a kid? How in heaven or hell was that at all possible? As far as he knew you couldn't have a kid if you hadn't had sex.

It had to be a joke. They were messing with him. Is was an elaborate prank. Alec scrambled to pick up his phone only managing to drop it a couple of times.

"Damn it. Did you fall down the stairs again?" Jace asked with a bitter chuckle.

"This isn't funny Jace." Alec gritted his teeth and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"We're not trying to be funny. That's why we need you to come back. We need to figure this out." Izzy said in a calm voice that Alec wasn't used to.

"Clearly you messed up Izzy." Alec demanded.

"Brother I don't mess up. But I need to redo the test. Bring her here now." Izzy said. "There were some other inconsistencies."

"Fine, in the morning." Alec said with a sigh. "What else is there?"

"Don't worry about it. We can discuss it in the morning. I'm sure it's wrong." Izzy sounded unsure though and it made Alec's hair on the back of his neck stick up.

"Okay. See you at 7."

"There he is!" Magnus teased, opening the door. "Where's our food?"

"What?" Alec shook his head. "Oh, right. Sorry."

"Can you just get us some sushi?" The girl batted her eyelashes. "It is Sunday."

Magnus and Alec looked at each other. How did she know they got sushi on Sundays?

"Why of course, my dear." Magnus bowed and the table filled with sushi. "Why don't we eat? Then it's time for a shower and bed."

"Yes, it's getting late." Alec agreed. "And we have to be at the institute early."

Question: Sushi or Pizza?

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