6. Play Pretend

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Answer: Pizza, Phad Thai, Butter Chicken.

I'm really sorry! Today's been crazy but here's a tiny, super short chapter.

"Are you sure about this?" Alec looked at the suit that had more pieces than he thought suits should ever have before looking nervously at Magnus.

"You look hot." Magnus grinned and felt his heart start to race.

Alec blushed. "Stop it."

"No, detective Lightwood, you are sexy as hell." Magnus took a step towards Alec.

Alec's eyes got huge. "Is hell sexy? Alec cocked his head.

Magnus burst out laughing as the magic of the moment was broken. "If you're there, it is."

"We should go." Alec stepped away. "We need to meet them in twenty minutes, right?"

"It's a shame." Magnus stepped closer and Alec stumbled back. His shoulders hit the wall and he felt a jolt of fear and excitement shoot through him.

"We need to go." Alec said but honestly he wasn't even sure if he said it out loud.

"Are you prepared to be my lover though?" Magnus whispered as he stepped closer and rested his left hand on the wall next to Alec's right ear.

"I don't like that word." Alec whispered as he tried to focus on anything besides the man inching closer to him.

"Ah, what would you prefer my blue eyed prince?" Magnus asked and barely touched his lips against Alec's ear.

"Um," Alec's heart raced so fast that he thought it was going to pop out of his chest. He couldn't hear anything as his blood started to rush.

He knew Magnus was still talking because he could feel his breath on his ear and neck. The hairs stood up where Magnus's breath touched him. His stomach buzzed with activity and he felt like he was going to throw up.

Alec watched as Magnus moved in slow motion. He didn't react as Magnus leaned in closer and kissed him. Alec froze. He was a detective. He shouldn't be kissing a fraud. But then he forgot all about being sensible and grabbed onto Magnus's waist and kissed him back.

Magnus stepped back quickly and smiled. "I think you're ready now."

Question: What do you do when you're stressed?

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