To Never Die

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Hey everyone who has stuck it out! Sorry for not writing lately. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this extra long one-shot. 

"Magnus Bane, that flashy warlock, is coming right?" Alec's mom asked as they rolled another dead shadowhunter into the room. It was the third in as many days. Izzy had done all she could to help but they couldn't figure out what was happening to them.

"Yes," Alec nodded and kept his face blank. "He said that he would be around soon." Alec couldn't stop the flutter of his fingers just like he knew Magnus had done when he had told him that on the phone an hour ago.

"Around?" His mother shook her head and made a disgusted noise. "Soon?"

"That's helpful." Jace chuckled and gave Alec a look. Of course his mom didn't like that answer. To her, and all of the other shadowhunters the downworlders were there to cause trouble and to serve them.

"He'll be here." Alec said, more to assure himself than her. He considered calling Magnus again, but clenched his fist around his phone instead.

"He better be." His mom scowled. "I'll get your father. By the time I'm back I expect him to be here."

"I'll do my best." Alec shrugged once she turned away from him. She looked back and gave him a look that told him trying wouldn't be good enough.

"Do you want me to call him?" Jace asked with a wink. "I mean it's hard to resist a beautiful hunter such as myself."

Alec smacked his best friend in the chest. "Why don't you go check on the little girl and leave the real work to me?"

Alec looked at his phone. "Just call him. It's not weird. It's for work." He whispered to himself. He hit Magnus' number and put the phone to his ear.

"Alexander." Magnus' silky voice soothed all of Alec's anxiety instantly. "Two times in one day. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I, uh, was just you know." Alec took a deep breath. How long had it been since he last breathed?

"I am on my way. I apologize for the delay but I had to take care of something. As much as I'd love to see your delightful smile and that twinkle in your blue eyes I do have other responsibilities." Magnus said with a hint of laughter in his voice. Did he know that his compliments always made Alec blush?

"I understand completely." Alec said quickly. Why was he so out of breath? "We're in the morgue."

"We?" Magnus asked.

"Well, just me right now." Alec felt a shift in the air.

"Hello, Alexander." Magnus said as he walked through the portal. The wards must have been lowered so he could enter.

Alec looked at his phone then back to Magnus. "Hi."

"It's been too long since..." Magnus said and they both knew that he was talking about their date that hadn't really gone great.

"Yeah." Alec ran his fingers through his hair. "How have you been?"

"Wonderful, as always." Magnus smiled, but there seemed to be something behind the smile. Alec wondered if Magnus would ever be honest with him. Was he honest with anyone? Alec wasn't so he couldn't judge him. He just felt sad. Alec was lonely sometimes, but he couldn't imagine being lonely for an eternity.

"Alec, have you heard from that overpriced, flashy warlock yet?" His dad asked as the door opened.

"Dad." Alec gasped and looked at where Magnus had been, but there was no one.

"What?" His dad rolled his eyes.

"He's helping us. You don't have to treat him like-" Alec stopped talking as soon as his dad raised his hand and opened his mouth.

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